
Goal Setting

  • SMART Goal

    SMART Goal
    I will save up $5,000 before college to buy a nicer car by putting in 30% of my paycheck when I get a job. It is better to spend money on a car beause it is something I can use for a long time.
  • Period: to

    Money Goal

  • Job Search

    Job Search
    I will start looking for a job so I can begin saving money and buy a car.
  • Job

    I will get a job by June first so I can start saving money to put away in a savings paycheck for a car before college. I hope to put in $210 each month so I have enough by the time August 1st comes in two years.
  • Birthday Money

    Birthday Money
    I will put my birthday money into my savings to save up for a car.
  • Chirstmas Money

    Chirstmas Money
    I will put 50% of my money from Christmas into savings for a car.
  • Amount of Money Saved

    Amount of Money Saved
    I will have saved up $2,500 by August 1st so that within the next year I will have $2,500 more to go. This will help keep me on track so I will have enough money to save up for a car.
  • Amount Saved

    Amount Saved
    I will have $3,500 saved by January 1st 2017. This will help me reach my goal so I hae plenty of time to earn another $1,500
  • Graduation

    I will put in 80% of my graduation money for a car before I start college
  • College - Accomplish SMART Goal

    College - Accomplish SMART Goal
    I will have saved up $5,000 to buy a car by August 1st so I can have it for two weeks until I go to college