Global Interaction Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Allows for the spread of Islamic law and Ottoman rule.
  • Period: 1453 to 1502

    (OTTOMAN) Two Century War with Venice

    Venice is reduced to military power compelled to pay tribute to the Ottomans.
  • Period: 1480 to 1519

    (RUSSIA) Early Relations

    Russia and Crimea were allied against the Great Horde and Poland-Lithuania (Great Horde = Astrakhan Khanate, Qasim Khanate, Khanate of Crimea and Khanate of Kazan)
  • Period: 1500 to


  • Period: 1500 to

    (MING TO QING CHINA) Population of China Triples in Size

    This event is impactful because within the span of 200 years, the population tripled which led to an intensified demand for food and more intensive agriculture
  • 1502

    (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Ismail Safavi Proclaimed Himself Shah of Iran

    From that point on his realm would be devoted to Shi'ite Islam.
  • 1502

    (RUSSIA) The Last Khan of the Great Horde dies by Crimean forces

    This results in the steppe people being known as the Nogai Horde
  • 1514

    (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Ismail Defeated by Selim I

    Gives way to Sunni rule and ideals; brings about high point in Safavid history.
  • Period: 1516 to 1517

    (OTTOMAN) Selim I Conquers Egypt and Syria

    Opens the Red Sea as the Ottoman's southern frontier.
  • Period: 1516 to 1517

    (OTTOMAN) Selim I Conquers Egypt and Syria

    Opens up the Red Sea as the Ottoman's southern frontier.
  • 1517

    (MING TO QING CHINA) Portuguese Embassy to China

    This event is impactful because it marks the beginning of Ming China being viewed as an actual civilization.
  • 1520

    (OTTOMAN) Suleiman the Magnificent Becomes Sultan

    Allows Empire to expand into the Balkans and East Mediterranean; brings about the peak of the Empire.
  • 1520

    (OTTOMAN) Suleiman the Magnificent Becomes Sultan

    Expands the Empire into the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean ; brings about the peak of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1526

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Babur defeats the last Sultan Delhi

    This event allows for the Mughal Empire to establish after the decline of Delhi.
  • 1526

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) The battle of Panipat

    This is one of the earliest battles that use field artillery, guns, and gun powder. This was a battle which Babur successeded in due to defeating the Lodi EMpire of Northern INdia. This battle also lead to ongoing wars which is the reason why Babur had a difficult time stabiliing the empire.
  • 1540

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Sher Shah Suri takes power of the empire

    Takes Hymayan out of India and takes power. Hymayun goes to the Safavid rulers in Persia to take refuge. During this time the bond between the Mughal Empire and the Safavid Empire strengthens. Hymayan retakes power 1555 with the help of the Persian allies. This allows for Humayun to restablish the power of the Mughal empire and retake Delhi aswell.
  • 1542

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Portuguese Jesuit priest Francis Xavier establish a Christian Church in Goa

    Created more religious diversity inside the empire. This became a conflict because their were many injustices toward Hindu and other religious in the politics imposed in the empire. This also brought for the Portuguese and other European power to want control over lands in India and use it for trade and to further influence other regions.
  • 1543

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) First Portuguese contacts with Japan

    This event is impactful because it marks the moment where Japan is first recognized as a civilization in history.
  • Period: 1552 to 1554

    (RUSSIA) Kazan is Conquered

    Frequent wars for Kazan between Moscow and Crimea result in its eventual conquering. Moscow put a Nogai Prince on the throne of Khanate
  • Period: 1556 to

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) The peak of Mughal IEmpire

    As akbar rules Agra he conquers Noth, West, and Central parts of India. This leads to the MUghal interaction of trade with the EUropeans and other parts of Asia. This also allows for the cultural diversity and unification of religion and art.
  • 1561

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Bairam Khan is assassinated

    Bairan is assassinated on his way to Mecca. This allows for Abkar to gain full power of the empire. The empire in the hands of Abkar allowed for a great amount of stability to emerce in the empire. Trading with the Europeans began, a strong economy dur to the establishment of a great administration system. He allowed for the introduction of guns into the empire which srengthened the Monghal's military power and enabled them to conquer the land they have.
  • 1569

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Akbar married a Rajput princess and has a child who has Hindu and Muslim blood

    This event brought religious acceptance and peace with the people of different religions. This allowed for a greater variety of art with a mix of the many religions in the empire. This also brought loyalty from the people to be greater and a more sustainable economy was seen in the empire.
  • 1571

    (OTTOMAN) Naval Defeat at Lepanto

    Example of the Ottoman resources and power as they renewed all resources within the year.
  • 1571

    (RUSSIA) Crimea breaks through Oka line and burns Moscow

    This attack on Moscow caused them to strengthen their southern defenses, preventing any other raids from occurring
  • 1572

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Seige of Surat

    The Portuguese decided to adopt a diplomacy with the Mughals instead of going to war. The Portuguese saw Mughals superior army strength and decided to befriend them. The Mughals thought this diplomacy was a pro that could allow them to purchase artillery. The Portuguese refused and this became an obsticle for Mughals to develop their navy.
  • Period: to

    (OTTOMAN) Crisis of the Military State

    Resulted in revolts that devastated Anatolia.
  • Period: to

    (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Formation of Empire

    Soon after Iran is declared a Shi'ite state.
  • Period: to

    (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Rule of Shah Abbas I

    Moves capital to Isfahan; sparks trade with India and Armenia
  • Period: to

    (OTTOMAN) High Taxation Sparks Anatolian Revolts

    Leads to a loss in agricultural production and a spike in crime, specifically banditry.
  • (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Architectural achievements during Jahan's reign

    Architectural achievements such as the Taj Mahal brought this period to be known as a fresh start for India. The building of expensive and luxurious buildings also raised conflicts with the people. This architecture was symbolism for cultural diversity within the people of India.
  • (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Japanese Invasion of Korea

    This event is impactful because it proved that Japan was strong enough as a civilization to take over other nearby civilizations.
  • Period: to

    (RUSSIA) Times of Trouble and Reconstruction

    Moscow loses much of its southern territory were taken by Poles, Tartars and Zaporozhians Cossacks
  • (OTTOMAN) Little Ice Age

    Climatic deterioration further causes unease in Ottoman population due to heavy taxation and ruin of arable land.
  • (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Manufacturers and Merchants Amassed Enormous Family Fortunes

    Japanese skills in steel making, pottery, and lacquer ware were joined by the excellence in the production of porcelain (thanks to Korean experts).
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Galdan Restores Magnolia as a Regional MIlitary Power

    This event is impactful because it marks the change of the political structure of Ming China.
  • Period: to

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Asian loci shifted to Mughal India

    Allowed for European colonization. Allowed for Mughal India to make the silks and textiles imported to Europe. Mughal India also had an important role in Dutch intra-asia trade. They traded spices, silk, wares, and opium. The Europeans used the ocation of Mughal India and to benefit theselves.
  • Period: to

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) High Achievements in Artisanships

    This event is impactful because it shows how the development of art led to even bigger developments in other aspects of culture.
  • Period: to

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) The Portuguese, English, and Dutch East India companies are established

    The introduction of spices and interactions with other parts of Asia. Interactions with the Europeans also brought merchants to develop a high system of organization. This system allowed for faster production of goods in a small amount of time for good prices. The coinage system and monetary systems were developed.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Matteo Ricii Allowed to Reside in Beijing

    This event is impactful because it shows how forgiving Ming China was in certain aspects of its own culture.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Labor Protest at Jingdezhen

    This event is impactful because workers threw themselves into the kilns to protest working conditions.
  • (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Tokugawa Ieyasu asserts his domination over dimyo

    By asserting his domination over daimyo, he established a new military regime known as the Tokugawa Shogunate. This event made a lasting impact by changing the structure of the Japanese millitary.
  • (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Tokugawa Shogunate formed

    This event is impactful because it marks the beginning of a period where the structure of the military was changed.
  • Period: to

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Economy Grows Faster Than the Population

    Merchants enjoyed relative freedom and influence. This event made an impact because it produced a vivid culture of its own which helped the development of the kabuki theater, colorful woodblock prints and silk-screening fabrics, and restaurants.
  • (OTTOMAN) End of Anatolian Revolts

    Marks a new Ottoman Empire in which sultans have less power and the government is overseen by grand viziers.
  • (OTTOMAN) End of Anatolian Revolts

    Marks a new Ottoman Empire in which sultans have less power and the government is overseen by grand viziers.
  • (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Death of Shah Abba

    Mismanagement of silk monopoly after his death leads to the decline of overland trade through Safavid territory.
  • Period: to

    (RUSSIA) Smolensk War

    The war was the result of Russia's failed attempt to recapture Smolensk. The dilution of troops caused an opening in the west leading to 2 Crimean raids. This war also gave way to the use of foreign troops
  • Period: to

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Japanese Edicts Close Down Trade with Europe

    This event is impactful because it demonstrates how Japan's trade system evolved over the small time span of six years.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Qing Conquest of Beijing

    This event is impactful because it marks the beginning of the Qing taking over Beijing, China and changing the culture of China forever.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Ming General Joins Forces with the Manchu Leaders

    This event is impactful because it marks an important turning point in China's history where instead of restoring the Ming, the Manchus claimed China for their own and began a forty-year conquest of the rest of the Ming territories.
  • Period: to

    (MING TO QING CHINA) Annual Temperatures Drop

    This event is impactful because the resulting agricultural distress nd famine fueled large uprisings that hastened the end of the Ming Empire.
  • Period: to

    (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Aurangzeb does not follow Akbar's policies of toleration

    Islam is imposed in the Mughal Empire. Many Hindu temples are destroyed, Hindus are highly taxed, and this casues further seperation betwee the people in the empire due to resentment. this is one of the many reasons the Mughal Empire starts to fall.
  • (MUGHAL EMPIRE) The Surat served as a commercial and financial perimeter for the Mughals

    The Surat was one of the major reasons the Mughals had great wealth. The record show that cotton goods were exported by Mughal and Amerian Merchants. This brought active trade in Southeast Aisa, East Africa, and the Middle East. This whole trade system allowed for the further development of trading systems with Bengal. Pegu, Malacaa, Sumatra, and China
  • Period: to

    (MING TO QING CHINA) Rule of Emperor Kangxi

    This event is impactful because it marks the time span of change of many aspects of Ming China's culture under the rule of Emperor Kangxi.
  • (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Inflation of Cheap Silver Spreads to Iran

    Weakens the economy and grossly contributes to the fall of Safavid Empire.
  • (OTTOMAN) Failed Siege on Vienna

    Makes it clear to Austrians and Russians that the Empire was weak and susceptible to attack.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Treaty of Nerchinsk with Russia

    This event is impactful because it marked the end of a period of rivalry with Russia.
  • Period: to

    (RUSSIAN EMPIRE) Rule of Peter the Great

    Led to the introduction of western languages and technologies to the Russian elite in addition to moving the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Qing Control of Inner Mongolia

    This event had a lasting impact because is demonstrated the political power and control of Qing China.
  • (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Aurangzeb wants to control all of India, get rid of Hindu influence, and drains all of the warfare treasury

    Aurangzeb brings the decline to the empire. By disrupting the peace, Aurangzeb weakens the empire internally, leading to the many revolts in the empire. Aurangzeb concentrated too much on war with the neighbors around the empire with only called for more attacks.
  • Period: to

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Population Growth Puts a Strain on the Lands of Central Japan

    In more remote provinces the rate of economic growth was greater by a significant amount. This event made a lasting effect because it was a major turning point for Japan to have an economic reflection.
  • Period: to

    (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) "Forty-Seven Ronin" Incident

    This exemplified the ideological and social crisis of Japan's transformation from a military to a civil society.
  • (TOKUGAWA JAPAN) Trial of the Forty-Seven Ronin

    This event is impactful because it shows how the "Forty-Seven Ronin" event had a lasting impact on how the public viewed Japan's social structure.
  • (RUSSIAN EMPIRE) St. Petersburg Becomes Russia's Capital

    Demonstrates Russia's sophistication and wealth a well as to develop stronger cultural ties with western countries.
  • (RUSSIAN EMPIRE) Peter the Great Loses Port of Azov

    Brings an end to Russian southward expansion.
  • Period: to

    (OTTOMAN) Tulip Period

    Establishes strong ties between Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
  • (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Afghan Army Successfully Captures Isfahan

    Brings an end to the Safavid Empire.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Kangxi's Death

    This event is impactful because Kangxi guided imperial expansioned and maintained stability, and after his death these characteristics of the Qing Empire began to fade away.
  • (MUGHAL EMPIRE) The establishment of Independent state in Eastern Deccan

    This allowed for stimulous Iran and Mughal weakness allowed the afghans to establish an Indepandant kingdom.
  • (OTTOMAN) Janissary Revolts

    Begins a period of Ottoman conservatism.
  • (OTTOMAN) Patrona Halil Revolts

    Confirms perceptions that the Empire was facing severe internal difficulties, leaving them open to attack.
  • Period: to

    (RUSSIA) Russo-Turkish War

    Russian attained two territories Bakhchisarai and Ochakov but both were given up due to the Plague. Only attained territory from this war is Azov
  • Period: to

    (SAFAVID EMPIRE) Nadir Shah Temporarily Reunites Iran

    Allows for the invasion of Delhi India in 1739
  • Period: to

    (MING TO QING CHINA) Rule of Emperor Qianlong

    This event is impactful because it marks a period of change in the culture of Qing China.
  • (MUGHAL EMPIRE) Joseph Francois Duplex takes over the French presidency

    This brought for some of the many trading systems from different European powers under the control of the french. He used well trained EUropean indian groups to gain more power in southern Inadia. He learned how to use Indian Princes to his favor. The capturing of trading ports within European powers brought many wars between them. This later brought more wars over the desire to gain control in India.
  • (OTTOMAN) Mamluks and Janissaries Compete for Power

    Allows for the refocus of Ottoman economy towards Europe.
  • (MING TO QING CHINA) Lord George Macartney is Dispatched to China

    This event is impactful because it marks the beginning of the effort by the British Empire to establish diplomatic relations with the Qing Empire.