

By AbbyT
  • Sep 22, 1345


    Galen coined the word 'plague' to describe a fast pace spreading fatal disease.
  • Sep 22, 1348

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    The ' Black Plauge ' spread quickly through Europe.Taking on many forms, like, bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemonic plague. The Medieval people did not know what to do so they looked for relief in religion, medicine and amulet, with no success.
  • Colonialism

    Colonialism brought exposure to medical knowledge. Smallpox inculation was was very successfully imported to Britian and America in the early 1700's.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    In 1749 and 1823 a man named Edward Jenner helped change the world by developing the first vaccine, for smallpox. even though it was12 years later that the smallpox virus was discovered
  • Yellow Fever

    Yellow Fever
    The first major epidemic hit Philadelphia in July 1793. It peaked during October. 5,000 people out of 45,000 died of this and an estimated 17,000 fled the city
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    A french man named Louis Pasteur helped developed the " Germ Theory of Disease." He investigated why a man beer was going sour and found out that germs were not the result but the cause.
  • The Germ theory

    The Germ theory
    Between 1850 to about 1920 a theory was developed and proved. Known as the 'Germ Theory' this theory revolutionized the practice and understanding of medicine and disease. This theory stated that germs cause disease.
  • Infants

    There are some improvments but diseases were still presant. Infant mortality rates in Britan in 1900 were higher than they were in 1800. Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, and measles took on a cruel toll on poor and illnourished children.
  • The Flu Pandemic

    The Flu Pandemic
    This was the last occasion a killer disease swept rapidly across the world. Doctors estimated 50 million people dies from the flu. Since then deaths from infectable disease has declined
  • Antibiotics

    This theory might have relolutionized the understanding and causes of disease. It didnt revolutionize treatment. Though an antitoxin for diphtheria was created in the late 19th century. But Paul Ehrlich made a drug to cure Syphillis and Salzarsan in 1909. Even though antibiotics were develpoed until 1940.