German East Africa

  • Pre imperialism

    Pre imperialism
    Before imperialism German East Africa was under a system of direct control. This meant that foreign officials were brought into rule, no one ruled for themselves, and government institutions followed European styles. German East Africa was being ruled by Sultan Oman. It was divided into several states. It was undergoing conflicts with Muslims and poltical disputes. The industrialization of Europe and overseas trade showed that it was a weak region.
  • Germany takes over

    Germany takes over
    German explorer, Karl Peters traveled to Zanzibar and found treaties and signatures from African cheifs. This was for his orginization, "society for German colonization." He was not a government official but he returned to Germany in 1885. His treaties were accepted as a basis for German colonization. Germans and many other European countries wanted to colonize in Africa because they had limited resourses, very few Europeans were willing to do physical work, and for East Africa.
  • Germany starts to rule

    Germany starts to rule
    Germany did not treat the people in East Africa respectfully during their rule. The indigenous people were forced to do physical work which included building railroads and roads. They also picked cotton to transfer out of the territory. They matured the economy by getting rid of the African traditions.
  • Berlin Seminar for oriental languages founded

    Berlin Seminar for oriental languages founded
    The German leaders were not used to governing Muslims which made up a lot of the population in East Africa.However, they needed to respect them because the Congo of Treaties gave the Muslims religous freedom.They tried to use other European countries as a model for ruling but WWI made this difficult. In 1887, the Berlin Seminar for oriental languages was founded which gave German officials the opportuinty to study African and foreign culture.This gave them a better understanding of Muslims.
  • Outrage of Africans

    Outrage of Africans
    Many small villages were being founded in the years leading to the outrage. They were being lead by agents of the German East African Company (DOAG) who were young, and weren't expierianced in conquering new places. They ruled in a very cocky, selfish way. In 1888, African citizens couldn"T take it anymore, they outraged and prevented the Germans from dwelling in their stations. Some were even murdered.
  • treaty sighned

    treaty sighned
    Said Barghas, the ruler of Zanzibar did not like that Germany was controlling the nearby land. Ongoing conflicts that Germany was having with Britain were coming to an end when the two European cuntries sighned a treaty that made a British protectorate over Zanzibar and also let Germany expand it's territory in other parts of Africa, Britain and Germany expand it's ownership in East Africa. This treaty was called the Heligoland Zanzibar Treaty.
  • Infectious disease breaks through

    Infectious disease breaks through
    An infectious disease broke out and wiped out half of the African's cattle which forced them to depend on credit from German settlers. German settlers began doing physical labour in the fields.
  • A letter from the prophet

    A letter from the prophet
    Worrisome grew about a Muslim conspiracy against Germany's rule..The DCO said that letters came from Mecca and were now being sent in all the coastol villages of the colony and that the letter was originally sent from the prophet in heaven.This caused alarming because the letters contained viloent plans for the German East Africa.This lead to debate on how the muslim population should be dealt with.
  • Paris Peace Conferance

    Paris Peace Conferance
    A group of British representatives met because they were eager to take over the German colonies in Africa. Instead they decided that they would be taken over by the League of Nations. This allowed Britain to control German East Africa, not as a colony but as a mandate or authorization under international responsibility. Through an organization called Permanent Mandates Commision the Africans were protected from being abused and honest well- being was promoted.
  • British Empire collapses

    In 1957, British began to lose their colonies in Africa. The reason was unclear. Some think it was because of colonial nationalism or hostile international environment.