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French Revolution

  • Estates General

    Estates General
    General assembly representing the French estates called on by Louis XVI to propose solutions to France's financial problems by enforcing a tax on the nobility. It ended when the Third Estate formed into the National Assembly, signaling the French Revolution.
    Source: Chapter 23
  • Establishment of National Assembly

    Establishment of National Assembly
    The Third Estate delegates met together and gave each delegate a vote They declared themselves the National Assembly and passed laws and reforms in the name of the French people. They voted to end absolute monarchy and began the representative government. This was the first deliberate act of revolution.
    Source: Chapter 23 Section 1:3
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    Delegates of the Third Estate were locked out of their meeting room so they broke down a door to an indoor tennis court, pledging to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.
    Source: Chapter 23, Section 1:3
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    People gathered weapons to defend the city against attack of the military forces of Louis. The mob stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison and seized control of the building. This became a great symbolic act of revolution to the French people.
    Source: Chapter 23, Section 1.3
  • Parisian Women Stormed Versailles

    Parisian Women Stormed Versailles
    Thousands of Parisian women rioted over rising price of bread with knives, axes and other weapons. They broke into the palace, killing the guards. They demanded that Louis and Marie Antoinette return to Paris. They agreed and never returned to the palace This was a signal of important change of power and radical reform.
    Chapter 23, Section 1.4
  • Robespierre Assumes Control

    Robespierre Assumes Control
    Robespierre governed France as a dictator for the next year under the title of Leader of the Committee of Public Safety and it became known as the "Reign of Terror." He tried France's enemies in the morning and had them hung on the guillotine by afternoon.
    Source: Chapter 23, section 2.4
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was found guilty of treason by the convention and was sentenced to death. He was killed by beheading by the guillotine.
    Source: Chapter 23, section 2.3
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Members of the National Convention feared for their own lives and they turned on Robespierre and had him arrested and executed. The radical phase of the revolution known as the "Reign of Terror" ended.
    Source: Chapter 23, section 2.5
  • Napoleon Seizes Power

    Napoleon Seizes Power
    Napoleon surrounded the national legislature with his army and drove out it's members. The directory was dissolved and he was given the title of first consul and assumed powers of a dictator.
    Source: Chapter 23, section 3.1
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    Napoleon's only loss in a major battle. It took place off the southwest coast of Spain. Many French ships were captured. This was the battle that forced Napoleon to give up plans to invade Britain. This was the beginning of the end for Napoleon.
    Source: Chapter 23, section 3.3