French Revolution

  • Louis the XIV calls the Estates General

    The Estates General was for making votes a new laws. the third estate are always out voted to make laws.
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    there was a romer that louis the xiv hierd mercenaries to kill the third estate so the storm the bastille to get gun powder.
    the third estate now have what they need to defend their self.
  • Writing the Declaration of rights of Men

    Writing the Declaration of rights of Men
    A constitution written by the third estate after the Tennis Court Oath which outlined peoples individual rights
  • Establishment of the new Constitution

    Establishment of the new Constitution
    The third estate wanted the same respect as everyone els. The first and second estate want everything back to normal so the create a new constitution.
  • Execution of the king

    Execution of the king
    the king and queen were trying to leave paris to astray but someone saw them and were brought bake for the king to be executed in broud day light.
  • Beginning of the reign of terror

    Beginning of the reign of terror
    When Maximillen Robespierre was in charge he killed anyone how was working with the king, terror was everywhere people were scare of it.
  • execution of the queen

    execution of the queen
    ten months have past since the kings death and the queen has ben in prison since that day, and know it's hers turn to die.
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory

    Napoleon overthrows the directory
    napoleon made a three directory for france and made it better for france by getting rid of the old directory and putting in new one's to fix's everything.
  • napoleon build an empire

    napoleon build an empire
    napoleon made franc an empire so he became emperor and ruled franc for everyone equal. napoleon did good things for franc and everyone loved him for it.
  • Period: to

    napoleon invades russia

    napoleon invad Russia for six months and concert in with lot of blood with it. the battel to take Russia was hard to do but napoleon took everything over.
  • Period: to

    the congress of vienna meets

    They were trying to figure out how to set everything right after napoleon. they wanted to get ride of him.
  • napoleon defeated at waterloo

    napoleon defeated at waterloo
    napoleon's last battle. napoleon was out number from both side.