French Revolution

  • The National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

  • The Constitution of 1791

  • The Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

  • The National Convention (1792-1795)

    -The Republic was founded (1792)
    -The king Louis XVI was sentenced and guillotined(1793)
    -The Reign of terror lidered by Robespierre(1793-1974)
    -The Constitution of 1795
  • The Directory and the Consulate (1795-1799)

    -Napoleon Bonaparte became First Consul and seizer power (1799)
  • Europe under Napoleon: Napoleon. From consulate to Empire

    -He achieved peace in France signing the Concordat of 1801 with the Hol See (1801)
    -Napoleon was made First Consul for life (1802)
    -The most internal reform he made was the Civil Code (1804)
    -Napoleon became Emperor of France (1804)
  • The empire of Napoleon Bonaparte (1805-1815)

    -From 1805 to 1810 he fought several coalitions of Europen countries that were against him and defeated them in successive battles. The only exception was the United Kingdom that defeated Napoleon`s fleet of ships in the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) and resisted the economic blockade he had established (1806)
  • The Fall of Napoleon (1812-1815)

    -Failure of the Great Army in Russia (1812)
    -The defeat in Spain (1814)
    -Napoleon was exiled and spent time on the island of Elba and the french monarchy was restored by Louis XVIII.
    -Napoleo recaptured the throne for one hundred days but he was defeated the last time by the allies in Waterloo (1815)
    -He was exiled to Saint Helena, where he died (1821)
  • The return to absolutism (1814-1815)

    -France was forced to return to the boundaries of 1791
    -The Holy Alliance ande the Quadruple Alliance were created (1815)
  • The revolution of 1820

  • Independent nationalism

    -Spanish colonies in Latin America became independent (1825)
    -Greece claimed independence from Ottoman Empire (1829)
    -Belgium claimed independence from the Netherlands (1839)
    -Ireland didn´t claimed independence to England
  • The revolution of 1830

  • The Revolutions of 1848

  • The unification of Italy (1859-1870)

    -The Kingdom of Italy was founded (1861)
    -Annexation of Venice (1866)
    -Conquest of the Papa States (1870)
  • The unification of Germany (1864-1871)

    -Prussia defeated Austria in the battle of Sadowa (1866)
    -Prussia defeated France in the battle of Sedan (1870)
    -The German Empire begun (1871)