
  • 465

    Clovis becomes leader

    Clovis becomes leader
    Clovis converts to Chritstianity and unites his kingdom, while forming a alliance with the Roman church.
  • Jan 1, 714

    Charles Martel

    Charles Martel
    Defeats the Moors at Battle of tours. Before the battle, he takes the property and donates it to the church
    He sees the Umayyads in Spain who wants a piece of Christianity in Europe
    Needs a full time army
    732 - Battle Of Tours- Stops Islamic Expansion into Western Europe
  • Nov 14, 751

    Pepin The Short

    Pepin The Short
    Son of Charles Martel
    Goes to war against the Lombards
    Comes to aid of the pope
  • Charlemagne

    Son of Pepin the short
    Expanded the empire
    Built schools
    Spread Christianity
    Comes to the aid of the pope
    Built churches all over
    Firmly believes in Christianity
  • Christmas Day

    Christmas Day
    Pope crowns him “Emperor of the Romans”- no one had that title for 400 years
    The Byzantine Emperor was the Emperor of the Romans
    There no emperor, only Empress Irene.
    The pope wants be in charge of Christendom and doesn’t think it is wise for a woman to be head of the empire
    He then crowns Charlemagne