Forensic Science Contributions Timeline

  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele

    Carl Wilhelm Scheele
    Devised a way of detecting arsenous oxide and simple arsenic in corpses.
  • Valentin Ross

    Valentin Ross
    Developed a method of detecting arsenic in a victim's stomach.
  • Mathieu Orfila

    Mathieu Orfila
    He founded the science of toxicology. He wrote the famous book "Treatise on Poisons."
  • Polarized Light Microscope

    Polarized Light Microscope
    Polarized light is a contrast-enhancing technique that improves the quality of the image obtained with birefringent materials when compared to other techniques such as darkfield and brightfield illumination, differential interference contrast, phase contrast, Hoffman modulation contrast, and fluorescence.
  • James Marsh

    James Marsh
    Used chemical processes to determine arsenic as the cause of death in a murder trial
  • First Microscope Detection of Sperm

    First Microscope Detection of Sperm
    Henri- Louis Bayard was able to formulate the first procedure for microscopic detection of sperm.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    Applied the anthropological technique of anthropometry to law enforcement creating an identification system based on physical measurements. The Parisian Police adopted his system, called "signaletics or bertillonage."
  • Hans Gross

    Hans Gross
    Released his book "Handbuch für Untersuchungsrichter, Polizeibeamte, Gendarmen" which stands for handbook for coroners, police officials, military policemen. This created the field of criminalistics
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner
    Discovered human blood groups and laid the foundation for the modern medical practice of blood transfusion.
  • First Presumptive Test of Blood

    First Presumptive Test of Blood
    The Kastle–Meyer test is a presumptive blood test, in which the chemical indicator phenolphthalein is used to detect the possible presence of hemoglobin.
  • Edmond Locard

    Edmond Locard
    Formulated the basic principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace".
  • Albert Osborn

    Albert Osborn
    Founded the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners. He was the first American to use the scientific method in the examination of questioned documents.
  • Walter McCrone

    Walter McCrone
    Announced the founding of Walter C. McCrone Associates, Inc. It was the world's first analytical service laboratory with a cleanroom to process and handle client samples.