Final Project Assignment

By jorden2
  • C-section

    My mother had to get a C-section done when my sister was born because her feet was facing down and not her head. She was first given medcine to see if she would turn around or her contractions would start but the pain was too much so they did a Cesarean (Sec 3.1)
  • I Was Born

    I was born in 1998 in the early moring and my mom gave birth to me naturally. I was very tiny when I was born but was as healthy as can be! (Sec. 3.3 in textbook)
  • Easy Baby

    When I was a baby, my mother told me that I was a very easy baby. I would be happy all the time and have a set schedule when to sleep and when to wake up. Although I do not have that now, it was funny to hear that show I use to be. (Sec. 4.7 in textbook)
  • Preschool

    While my other sibling were in kindergarten already, my mom and dad wanted me to start already but I was too young. So they put me into a program that was like preschool. (sec. 6.5 in textbook)
  • Father's rules

    Growing up with my dad, I always had this fear of his discipline. Now a days I am really grateful for how he taught us the correct way when I was little. My dad was constantly trying to be involved in our lives and still is. (sec. 5.7 in textbook)
  • SIblings

    My siblings have always been there for me and I am so grateful to have grown up with them. I am glad that I was not an only child because the bond that we made as toddlers, playing around and getting into trouble together, made us all learn a lot about life. (sec 5.7 in textbook)
  • Japanese Class

    When I was in the third grade, I had to take some japanese courses. This showed me the culture and how my culture took a huge role in what I would become to learn more of. Culture and ethnicity plays a big part in child development (Sec. 1.1 in textbook)
  • Moving Day!

    After third grade, my parents made a decision to move to Las Vegas for reasons I did not know at the time. This is shows how I was able to adapt to the change and enviroment along with still maintaining my culture but also learning others. (Sec 1.2 in textbook)
  • Playing Outside

    After school or on a regular day, my dad would let us play outside and run around for a while. Since we lived in vegas, we did not have much freedom outside but when we walk the dogs and go to the park, we would run around a bunch. (sec 6.9 in textbook)
  • Meeting my Bestfriends

    During this time I just started at a new school and I was nervous because I did not know anyone. The first day of 5th grade, I met my two bestfriends who are twins. We are still friends to this day and I am so grateful to have them! (sec 7.5 in textbook)
  • Dentist

    When I was younger, I remember having to go to the dentist to pull out my baby teeth because they would not want to come out on their own. I remember pulling 5 teeth on one day and my mouth was extremely numb! I have a lot of space in my mouth after that procedure. (sec 7.2 in textbook)
  • Period: to

    High School

    High school was one of my most memorable experiences in my life. This is when I learned most of the lessons I know today. Leanring to write and read at a high level, being able to work well in groups, and learning skills for the real world. (sec.8,4 in textbook)
  • Ultrasound

    When I found out my mother was pregnant with my little brother, I was so excited to go with her to see the ultrasound. When we got there and I saw him for the first time, I started to cry. The doctor also turned on the sound to hear the heart beat and that was so exciting! (Sec. 2.7 in textbook)
  • Special Needs Event

    When I was playing volleyball, we would all volunteer to teach Special needs kids with playing sports as well. I met a couple kids with down syndrome and they are the sweetest! It is true that some can smile less than others but the ones we played with were always happy! (Sec 2.6 in textbook)
  • Babysitting

    When my brother was born and I would have to watch him, I would notice his emotions changing all the time. He would be happy then all of a sudden freeze and start crying. This was confusing but his secondary emotions were showing a lot around this time. (sec.4.8 in textbook
  • Divorce

    During high school, my parents went through a divorce that was going on for a while. When I found out about it, I became very sad and depressed. I was a terrible feeling, not wanting to eat or leave my room. My sibling and friends are the ones who got me through it all. (sec.8.8 in textbook)
  • First Semester of College

    During my first semester of college, I piled up on a lot of classes and going to work. This caused my lack of sleep and major stress. My health was at a bad place then because balancing full time school and full time jobs are not easy. (sec. 9.2 in textbook)
  • Church

    As I started to grow up, I realized in my culture and within my family, going to church and getting involved was very important so I started to get closer to God and attend church with my family. I became more of an individual because of it. (sec. 9.7 in textbook)