Whatsapp image 2021 07 23 at 10.02.23

Ever's life

  • my birth

    my birth
    This timeline begins on the day of my birth, and also that of my brother
  • My firts birthday

    My firts birthday
    This year is the first in which my family decided to celebrate my birthday and that of my brother
  • My firts class

    My firts class
    In the year two thousand eleven it was the year in which my brother and I entered to study for the first time at the institute known as the communion school.
  • The day in my firts travel at Guatemala

    The day in my firts travel at Guatemala
    This happened because my family organized a family trip, where they ended up deciding that the place we will go will be to the capital, since they have traveled to different places in the capital.
  • My third time in the cine

    My third  time in the cine
    This was one of the most special times that I went to the movies, since I and my whole family went to spend an entertaining time that accompanied me for many years.
  • The day of my graduation

    The day of my graduation
    After a long time of study in which I made an effort, I managed to graduate from sixth grade, to enter basic the following year.
  • The day in the change of the school

    The day in the change  of the school
    After having studied for 10 years at the college called communion, when I finished the third grade, I had to change institute to continue my studies