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Events in the year 1836

  • Period: to


  • Davy Crocket in Texas

    On this day Davy Crocket had arrived in Texas just in time for the Alamo.
    Davy Crocket was known for his bear trapping skills. He had also fought under Andrew Jackson in the Creek and Indian War.
  • Whig Party

    In New Albany New York Whig party held its first convention.
  • Charles Dickens

    The essays by Charles Dickens called "Sketches by Boz" was published.
  • More on the Alamo.

    Alamo besieged by Santa Anna; entire garrison eventually killed.
  • First patent on revovling firearm.

    The first patent on a revovling firearm was patent by a man named Samuel Colt .
  • U.S. Shareman Phineas Taylor Barnum

    Phineas Taylor Barnum, an American shareman, began to exhibit the African American slave Joice Heth.
  • Independence.

    Mexico lost controll and or rule or Texas. This later on (3days time) led to the start of the Alamo.
  • Texas.

    Texas approved of their constitution, for their state. The very next day they disapproved and abolished slavery in their area.
  • The coin press.

    The coin press was first created by a man by the name of Franklin Beale.
  • Mormon temple

    In Kirkland Ohio the first Mormon temple was dedicated to the state and town, along with all people who follow the religion.