
Europe middle ages timeline

  • Period: 146 to 446

    The Roman Empire

    Rome provided safety to all of the lands it controlled. They allowed most of the Greeks to keep their culture, language, ways of life, writing, and traditions. Jesus was born during this time. The Romans were famous for building roads, latin, a republic government, calander system and concrete.
  • 476

    Fall of rome

    Fall of rome
    The fall of Rome caused the middle ages. During the fall of Rome there was no protection, people did not feel safe to travel and money, trade, wealth and income decreased.
  • Period: 500 to Sep 26, 1500

    The Cathoic church takes charge

    Only the biggest and best were in charge, There was no unity until the Catholic church steps in and became a strong political force. If you dsagreed with the Church you disagreed with god.
  • Period: Sep 26, 1096 to Sep 26, 1272

    The Crusades

    The muslims took over the Holy land and trade begins to increase. Many people felt safer to travel and people left there manor to trade. Feudilism begins to weaken amd they begin to find out that the Muslims preserved Greek and Roman writing. Also they bring back tea and silk!
  • Period: Sep 26, 1330 to Aug 26, 1500

    the Renaissance

    The Renaissance was a rebirth of Clasic Greece and Rome. The gained art, writings. There was more culture, more education. There were more schools formed more people were taught navigation and science. Through this all they wanted to find a quicker route to Asia.
  • Sep 26, 1450

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Gutenberg from Germany invented the printing press which made books much more acessable, there were more Bibles printed and this slowly cause the Catholic Church to loose power.
  • Sep 26, 1492

    Columbus discovers america

    Columbus discovers america
    Columbus set out to find a new way to get to Asia without going to Italy where he finds there is 2 contenent s right in his way. Along the way he finds America!
  • Sep 26, 1517

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther is against the way the Catholic Church runs and has decided to protest. He nails 95 theisis the the Churches door. Religous persiction is beginning and kings and the nation got in the mix with the help of the printing press. People wanted to leave Europe for religous freedom so alot of people headed to the Americas!