Europe in the Middle Ages

  • Period: 324 to Jan 19, 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    The capital of the vast empire was the city of Constantinople, which was built by the Romans. The empire is also known as the "Empire of the Romans." The Byzantine Empire adopted the Christian religion.
  • 410

    Fall of Rome

    Rome fell to the Visigoths under Alaric. During the siege hunger ran rampant throughout the city and people began to eat one another.
  • Period: 410 to Jan 19, 1300

    Europe in the Middle Ages

    The term was created by an Italian Renaissance humanist Francesco Petrarch. The term describes the time from the end of the Roman Empire to his own death.
  • Period: 465 to 511


    Clovis was a Frank King, and founder of the Merovingian dynasty. Clovis was a part of a family of Frankish origin. The family continued to rule the empire until 751. After his death in 511 the empire was spilt among his four sons.
  • Period: 500 to

    Magyars Invasion

    During the invasions people thought that the Magyars were the Huns. The Magyars eventually settled in Hungary. The commander Otto of Germany finally defeated the Huns.
  • Period: 500 to


    Theodora was the wife of Justinian. She grew up very poor and became an exotic dancer. She was so beautiful that she caught the eye of Justinian, and they married. The Bubonic Plague was believed to be punishment for her sexual promiscuity. She died of cancer in 548.
  • 532

    "Nika" Revolt

    The revolt occurred during a chariot race, when all of a sudden all of the fans turn on Justinian. The fans yell out "nika" which means conqueror. Justinian plans to leave, but his wife Theodora stops him. Justinian's soldiers then kill the 30 thousand fans.
  • Period: 550 to Jan 23, 1400

    Bubonic Plague

    The plague came over through rats on cargo ships. The people of Constantinople believed that the plague was punishment for the emporess Theodora's sexual promescuity. The Plague killed half the people of Constantinople.
  • Period: Jan 23, 700 to Jan 23, 1200

    Moore/Muslim Invasions of Europe

    The invasions were primarily led by Abdul Rahman. Abdul Rahman was the leader of the Muslim army. He and his army were eventually defeated by Charles Martel.
  • Jan 23, 732

    Abdul Rahman

    He was the leader of the Muslim/Moore army. He also led most of the invasions into Europe. He and his army were defeated by Charles Martel.
  • Ivar "The Boneless"

    Ivar was the commander of the Vikings. For unknown reasons Ivar could not walk, so he was carried around on a shield. He is known for being extremely violent. He once killed a King named Yella, because the king had killed his father. The method in which Ivar used was truly cruel: “the blood eagle."
  • Period: to 410

    Alaric and the Visigoths

    Alaric was born near the mouth of the Danube in the year 370. The Visigoths selected him to be there leader in 390.
  • Period: to 565


    Justinian was the emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He was known to be a tyrant and he was a thief because he was always cheating people and stealing their money. He was married to Theodora.
  • Period: to Jan 23, 741

    Charles "The Hammer" Martel

    Martel was a Frankish commander, and is known for being the savior of Christianity. He protected the Christians from the Muslims. His soldiers were farmers, so he paid them to fight. He also asked the church for money to train them.
  • Period: to Jan 23, 1100

    Viking Invasions

    The Vikings came from Scandinavia. Vikings invaded England, Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. The Vikings were known for being extremely violent.
  • Period: to 547

    Saint Benedict

    St. Benedict could perform miracles. When he was at the monastery the monks tried to poison him then Benedict left. He then established the law of Benedict: how monks should live.
  • Period: to


    Charlemagne was the grandson of notorious commander Charles Martel. He was crowned as emperor on Christmas day. He then became emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.