Europe Classical Era Timeline

  • 800 BCE

    Rise of Greek City States

    Rise of Greek City States
    POLITICAL- This establishes the political structure in Greece.
  • 800 BCE

    Rome Begins as Small Monarchy

    Rome Begins as Small Monarchy
    POLITICAL- This is the start of Roman society and their first political structure.
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic Begins

    Roman Republic Begins
    POLITICAL- Government becomes aristocratic republic. Government features consuls and Senate
  • 500 BCE

    Persian Wars Begin

    Persian Wars Begin
    POLITICAL-These wars unite rival city states in Greece and strengthen the empire.
  • 470 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    Golden Age of Athens
    ECONOMIC/CULTURAL- This was a time of economic and cultural prosperity under Pericles. It lasted until 430 BCE.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnessian Wars

    Peloponnessian Wars
    POLITICAL- Athens and Sparta fought each other, weakened both city states.
  • 338 BCE

    Philip of Macedon Conquers Greece

    Philip of Macedon Conquers Greece
    POLITICAL- After he dies, Alexander the Great takes over and expands empire from Greece to India. This begins the Hellenistic Age
  • 275 BCE

    Alexander the Great Dies

    Alexander the Great Dies
    POLITICAL-His empire falls due to civil wars, which were caused by having no successor, leading to a power struggle.
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars Begin

    Punic Wars Begin
    ECONOMIC- These were wars between Carthage and Rome. Rome won, expanding their territory into North Africa.
  • 49 BCE

    Julius Caesar Becomes Dictator

    Julius Caesar Becomes Dictator
    POLITICAL-This sets the stage for the transition to empire. Julius gets rid of many existing political structures and takes complete power.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Caesar Becomes Emperor

    Augustus Caesar Becomes Emperor
    POLITICAL-This is the formal beginning of the empire. This also marks the start of the pax romana, which was a period of peace.
  • 180

    Rome begins it's decline

    Rome begins it's decline
    POLITICAL- The birth rate falls, there is a lack of slave labor, there are political disputes, plagues, and a decease in tax revenue
  • 231

    First Germanic Invasions of Rome

    First Germanic Invasions of Rome
    ECONOMIC- Rome begins weakening to outside forces as they take advantage of the internal problems
  • 312

    Constantine begins reign

    Constantine begins reign
    POLITICAL- Adopts Christianity in 313, tries to use it to unify empire. Establishes Constantinople as a capital of the Eastern empire, able to keep it strong while rest of Rome falls.
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    POLITICAL- Rome finally succumbs to outside forces and internal instability. This splits the Mediterranean into three parts.