
Egyptian Timeline

  • 100

    Ancient Egypt c. 30 Cleo Dies

    Ancient Egypt c. 30 Cleo Dies
    After the fall of the great Egyptian Empire, many different nations invaded and occupied Egypt. Even with this, Women's Rights were very advanced for the time. Cleopatra dies while Eypt becomes a Roman province.
  • Period: 100 to

    Egyptian Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1550

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    At this time, Egypt had developed a great military. The kingdom reached its peak with the pharaoh Amenhotep III. The civilization faced constant threats from the Hittite Empire. Amenhotep would conquer Syria and Palestine. His son would lose control of these lands while trying to change Egypt to a more monothestic religon. After his reign egypt would come under constant warfare and become apart of many diffrent empires thoughout the centuries.
  • Second Intermediate Period

    Second Intermediate Period
    First Hyksos dynasty of Egypt. The Hyksos brought bronze technology with them, which the Egyptians then used to drive the Hyksos out of Egypt.
  • Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    Middle Kingdom was seen as a "Golden Age" of Egyptian society. In the Middle Kingdom, unlike The Old Kingdom, The Pharaoh was seen as a Shepherd of his people and more of a figure to provide for the public welfare. Egypt would conqure Nubia during this period. They had a Polythestic religon that featrued in every aspect of daily life. The Egyptians had a fairly simple social structure, with the God-King at the top. They developed Heiroglyphs at this time as well.
  • First Intermediate Period

    First Intermediate Period
    Rival Dynasties quarreled for supremacy. eventually Mentuhopet of Thebes creating the middle kingdom in 2055 B.C.
  • Era of Old Kingdom Begains

    Era of Old Kingdom Begains
    This was an age of prosperity. The Capitol was located in Mephis south of the delta. Kings were considered divine. During this time the term Pharaoh would be applied to kings. They had a bureaucracy as a government. The country was divided into nomes and ruled by a governer.
  • Begainning of the Dynstic Peroid

    Begainning of the Dynstic Peroid
    The First Egyptain Dynasty was under king Menes. He would unite upper and lower Egypt.
  • Early Settlers

    Early Settlers
    Farming and domestication of animals. Farming was easyly devloped because of predictable flooding of the Nile.