Eastern Roman Empire

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine 1 founded the Byzantine capital

    Constantine was the founder and emperor of Byzantine. He moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantine and renamed it Constantinople.
  • 530

    General Belisarius military campaign

    The project of reconquring much of the Mediterranean territory.
  • 532

    Nika revolt

    Nika revolt
    The most violent riot that has ever happened in Constantinople. It all started because chariot racing was gaining influence in political matters and then started the Nika revolt. After this whole issue the sport started to deteriorate.
  • Sep 15, 708

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    The conquests began in the 7th century with the prophet Muhammad. The conflict went on for centuries until they conquered the Sassanid Empire.
  • Jan 1, 970

    Emperor basil the second military conquests of Bulgaria

    This war ragged on for 48 years until the Byzantine defeated Bulgaria and emperor basil the second became known as the "Bulgar Slayer".
  • Nov 27, 1095

    Emperor Alexios

    Emperor Alexios
    Pope Urban the second called for the first crusade to help the Byzantines get free from Jerusalem.
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Fourth crusade

    Fourth crusade
    Pope innocent the third had originally wanted to recover Jerusalem from the Egyptians, but instead they invaded Constantinople.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Jan 1, 1417

    Great schism

    A split within the Roman Catholic Church, they split because of religious issues. They became the eastern church and western church
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks.

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks.
    The ottoman army invaded the capital of the Greek Roman Empire. It lasted 53 days.
  • May 29, 1453

    Hagia Sophia completed

    Hagia Sophia completed
    It served as an orthodox cathedral, and seat of the patriarch of Constantinople. Eventually the fourth crusaders made it into a Roman Catholic Church.