
Drew-Ancient Rome

  • 753 BCE

    The year Rome was founded

  • 509 BCE

    Rome became a Republic

  • Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE

    The First Punic War

    Rome fought the Punic Wars against Carthage. Rome spent 20 years rebuilding their navy, which led them to key victories for 20 years on the strength of their engineering and solidarity.
  • Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE

    The Second Punic War

    The second war broke out because of Spain
    In 237 BC Hamilcar Barca established new settlements in Spain
    He died in 229 and made his son swear a blood oath against Rome
    Hannibal crossed the Alps with 100k men and 40 some elephants
    For 15 years Hannibal won battles but never captured Rome
  • 203 BCE

    Hannibal's Retreat

    In 203 BC, Hannibal was forced to retreat to defend North Africa from Scipio
    The next year, Scipio crushed Hannibal at Zama and Carthage surrendered
  • Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE

    Third Punic War

    In the Third Punic War, Carthage was destroyed
    Salt was poured on the land so nothing would grow
    One by one, Macedonia, Greece, and parts of Asia Minor became Roman provinces as the Republic followed a policy of imperialism
  • 133 BCE

    Roman Pride

    By this time, Romans referred to the Mediterranean as Mare Nostrum - “Our Sea”
    This shows how proud the Romans were of their accomplishments.
  • 133 BCE

    Tiberius Gracchus

    Tiberius Gracchus called for the state to distribute land to the poor.
    This is one of the first examples of welfare.
  • 123 BCE

    Gius Gracchus

    Tiberius's brother, Gius, sought public funds to buy grain for the poor. These brothers cared for the citizens of Rome who were not as financially stable.
  • 99 BCE


    He ruled by example, not fear. Built columns, arches, and bridges. Conquered the Dacians. He allowed Christians to practice. He instituted the welfare system. He adopts Hadrian as his son and died in 117 AD
  • 65 BCE

    The Fire of Rome

    Emperor Nero burned down Rome and then blamed Christians for it. This led to extreme persecution of Christians, and also being a Christian was illegal in the Roman Empire.
  • 44 BCE

    Death of Julius Caesar

    Some of Julias Ceaser's accomplishments include stabilizing Rome, conquering nations such as Egypt, Gaul, and Britain. He was stabbed to death by senators who feared his influence and power.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana - Peace of Rome

    For 200 years from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius, people enjoyed the Pax Romana, or “Roman Peace”. Roman legions protected and maintained roads, Roman fleets chased pirates, plenty of food, and knowledge and ideas spread throughout the empire.
  • 14 BCE

    End of Octavian's Rule

    He gave himself the title Augustus, “the exalted one.”
    He ruled until 14 A.D., ending the republic but creating a stable government
    A postal service, new roads, and coins helped trade
    A census counted the people to collect taxes fairly
    A well trained civil service was hired, based on merit
  • 4

    Birth of Jesus

    Jesus was born around 4 BC in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem.
  • 33

    Death of Jesus

    Jesus was crucified in 33 AD and had then raised to life three days later. His 12 disciples continued to spread this and started the Christian Church
  • 66

    Rebellion against Rome because of Christianity

    In AD 66, discontent turned into open rebellion against Rome.
    This is because the Zealots called for a revolt against Rome. Many believed that God would soon send a messiah, an anointed king, who would lead them to freedom from Rome.
  • 70

    Destruction of Jerusalem

    In AD 70, Rome crushed the uprising and burned the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
  • 79

    Mt. Vesuvius

    In A.D. 79, a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius, erupted, burying Pompeii in ash, trapping residents but preserving their homes and artwork.
    Historians are able to see exactly what a Roman city was like because this was so well preserved because it was trapped in ash,
  • Period: 81 to 96


    He was a brutal Emperor known for being a dominating emperor. He took away all power from the Senate and ruled with an iron fist. He severely persecuted Christians. He was very loyal to Roman religion
  • 96


    Granted amnesty to all persecuted by Domitian. Improved roads and aqueducts. He realized how wrong Domitian was and tried to improve the relations between the government and the people.
  • 117


    Hadrian - Become emperor in 117 AD. He was away from Rome for 12 years. Rebuilt the Pantheon and built Hadrian’s Wall. He was the Emperor responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem.
  • 180

    Death of Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius was the smartest emperor. Conquered the Germanians. He died in 180 AD and succeeded by his son, Commodus
  • 284

    Diocletian's Attempt

    In 284, Emperor Diocletian set out to restore order in the empire. He appointed a co-emperor, Maximian, and divided the empire in half to ease administration
    Maximian ruled the western provinces while Diocletian retained the wealthier eastern provinces
  • 312

    Constantine's Conversion

    In 312 AD the emperor Constantine was getting ready for a battle
    He saw a vision of a cross that said he would win. He believed Jesus helped him win
    Constantine ordered all persecution to stop and he becomes a Christian
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    In AD 313 the Edict of Milan granted freedom of worship to the citizens of the Roman empire
    By the end of the century, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome.
  • 370

    The Huns

    The vicious Huns moved into Central Europe, pushing the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and others before them.