douglas drouillard unit 2

  • Period: 500 to Apr 16, 1500

    middle age

  • 511

    uniting of the franks

    uniting of the franks
    The franks were a confederation germatic tribes first accented in the 13 century ad occupying land over the middle and lower rhine.
  • Jan 28, 742

    crowing of charlemagne by the pope

    crowing of charlemagne by the pope
    charles was the founder of the carolingian empire. he exspanded frankish kingdom and adding italy to it. reach his height of his power by the 800.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    battle of hastings

    battle of hastings
    it occured during the norman conquest of england and it was 10km from the city of hastings. took place at selanc hill
  • Nov 20, 1066

    parlement formed into england

    parlement formed into england
    legusteture of the kingdom of england willam of normandy introduced a futla system
  • Oct 29, 1077

    italin town of conossa

    italin town of conossa
    built before in the middle of the 10 century. it is a commun town and castle town in emilina romaga.
  • May 25, 1085

    pope gregory vii

    pope gregory vii
    one of the gratest reforming popes he is bestly nown for playing the part in the investure controvesery. twice excommunicated henery1
  • Nov 27, 1095


    military expetidition by roman catholic europe to regain holy lands from the muslims jerulam was caputured
  • Period: Nov 20, 1096 to Nov 20, 1270


    importent things happening during the miidle ages
  • Oct 29, 1103

    banning of lay investiture

    banning of lay investiture
    ivestiture contest was the most signifacint conflict between the church and state in the medeval europe.
  • Jun 10, 1122

    fredrick i

    fredrick i
    german roman holy emporer elected king of germany inheritance to duke os swiba son of duke frederick the second
  • Oct 29, 1167

    lombarg league

    lombarg league
    most of the northern cities of italy the league was formed to counter the holy roman empire.
  • May 29, 1175

    batte of legnamo

    batte of legnamo
    between the forces of the holy roman empire the lombardy cities swor the oath pontida small vilage.
  • Apr 22, 1204


    was intented to conquer muslim control o jurslam by means of invasion of eygpt
  • Nov 20, 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    orginally issued in latin it is a angevin chartar chranslated to vencular french as early as 1219.
  • Nov 20, 1250


    native language of specific population second language or forenigh language to the population
  • Period: Nov 20, 1337 to Nov 20, 1453

    hundred year war

    joan of arc faught in it as a women led the french army to a victory
  • Period: Nov 20, 1340 to Nov 20, 1400

    bubonic plague black death

    dease that killed a 1/3 of europeans and stared from rats
  • Nov 20, 1414

    great schism

    great schism
    is the medeval division of christanity into eastern greek and western latin witch later becomes nown as the eastern orthodox church
  • May 30, 1431

    joan of arc

    joan of arc
    folk herine of france and the roman catholic saint born apasent girl she led the french army on many missions
  • Apr 6, 1453

    fall of constantinople

    fall of constantinople
    the caputure of constantinople marked the ending of the roman empire,witch lasted about 1,500 years. it was also a majior blow to the christedom.
  • otto the great

    otto the great
    founder of the roman holy empire. the oldest son of henery 1 and the matilada of ringelhim. first of the gemans to be called the emporer of italy.
  • Period: to

    reign of charlemagne

  • Period: to Oct 29, 614

    charolingian dynasty