Danny Sui

By ksnell9
  • 570

    birth of muhammad

    In AD 570, Muhammad was born into a powerful Meccan family. He took a great interest in religion and spent time alone doing prayers and meditation
  • May 17, 632

    ISLAM: Caliph

    in 632, Abu-Bakr became the firste Caliph. Abu-Bakr was one of Muhammad loyal friends. when the muslim pick their caliph they have to be sure that he was a good friend to muhammad and that he followed muhammads beliefs.
  • May 17, 750

    ISLAM: Spreadin a long way

    By 750, the muslim empire streched 6,000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus river. this shows that how quickly that muslim is spreading all over the middle east and that pare of area.
  • May 17, 1095

    The Crusades

    In 1095, the Crusades begins. Roman Catholic Church attempted to capture Holy Land.
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    The Sykes-Picot Agreement was signed between Britain and France. Showed how the Middle East should be divided.
  • Jesus Dies

    Around 30 AD Jesus is crucified. Then buried and resurected.
  • Israel Becomes a State

    Israel declares itself a state. It won recognition from the US and the Soviets immediately.
  • Shah appoints prime minsiter

    Popular pressure forces shah to appoint Mossadegh as Prime Minsiter of Iran.
  • Shah appoints prime minsiter

    Popular pressure forces shah to appoint Mossadegh as Prime Minsiter of Iran.
  • toppled the Egypt's king

    A former army colonel , Nasser emerged as Egypt's leader after taking part in a coup that toppled the country's corrupt king in 1952
  • merged Egypt and Syria

    In 1958 Nesser merged Egypt and Syria in order to begin to implement his pan-arabist campaign
  • OPEC push uo the prices

    rising demand allowed the OPEC to steadily push up prices for the first time since its formation in 1960
  • Israel

    1962 president john F Kkennedy(1961-1963) approved the sate of advanced anti-alrcraft missiles to Israel. along with a loan to help the Israelis pay for their purchase
  • Arab-Israeli Six-day war

    Expanding nationalism growing superpower involvement, and an escalating arms
  • surprise attack

    In june 1967 they launched a surprise attack ,destorying most of the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground
  • Romans Conquer Israel

    Around 70 AD Romans destroy Jerusalem. They also destroy temple.
  • Egypt and Syria against Israel

    Egypt and Syria opeaned a surprise two-front offensive against Israel on Yom Klppur
  • shuttle diplomacy

    kissinger negotiated two agreement to the end the fighting between Israel and Egypt and between Israel and Syria. the state department left the seviet union out of the negotiations. kissinger's efforts were enough to convince King faisal Lbn Saud to call off the embargo in march of 1947
  • Camp David Accords

    The Camp David Accords took place. This was the peace trety between Israel and Egypt.
  • Iran's Shah Leaves Scared

    The same time Iran's people marched into Tehran, Iran's shah left the country. Ayatollah Khomeini assumed leadership.
  • Iran's Monarchy Falls

    2 million people marched into Iran's capital of Tehran. After a year of destruction in Iran, the 2000 year old monarchy crumbles.
  • Iran Proposes a Bill

    Mohammed Mossadegh propsosed a bill to postpone all oil contracts with Britain and the Soviets. This was because Iran was getting little to nothing for their oil contracts.
  • Wall of the Gaza Strip

    Israeli government constructed a barrier between Israel and the Gaza Strip. This was to prevent unauthorized entry of Palestinians into Israel and prevent terroist attacks,
  • ISLAM: Caliph

    in 632, Abu-Bakr became the firste Caliph. Abu-Bakr was one of Muhammad loyal friends. when the muslim pick their caliph they have to be sure that he was a good friend to muhammad and that he followed muhammads beliefs.
  • Construction of the Dome of the Rock

    In 691 the Dome of the Rock was contructed in te old city of Jerusalem. This is the earliest surviving Islamic monument.