Danielle Stelma: Unit Two

By Dstelma
  • Period: 500 to Oct 29, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 511

    Uniting of the Franks

    Uniting of the Franks
    Clovis brought Christianity to his people. While in a losing battle Clovis turned to the Christian God for help. The battle shifted and the Franks won. In 511, the Franks were united into one kingdom.
  • Period: Oct 29, 751 to

    Carolingian Dynasty

  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    The Normans andSaxons fought the Battle of Hastings. The Normans won by killing Harold by an arrow in his eye.
  • Oct 29, 1075

    Banning of lay investiture

    Banning of lay investiture
    Whoever controlled lay investiture wielded the power in naming bishops. They were powerful clergy whom kings sought to control. Church reformers felt that bishops should not be under the power of any king. In 1075, Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture.
  • Nov 20, 1096

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    During the First Crusade, the Christians captured Jerusalem.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1096 to Nov 20, 1270


    The Second and Third CrusadeThe First Crusade
    The term "holy war" is a Crusade, to gain control of the Holy Land. People joined the Crusades because they saw it as a chance to get land and be important in society.
  • Oct 29, 1122

    Concordat of Worms

    Concordat of Worms
    Representatives of the Church and the emperor met in the German city of Worms. There they reached a compromise known as the Concordat of Worms. By its terms, the Church alone could grant a bishop his ring and staff, symbols of the Church office. The emperor had veto power to prevent the appointment of a bishop.
  • Nov 20, 1147

    The Second and Third Crusade

    The Second and Third Crusade
    During the Second and Third Crusade, the Muslims regained Jerusalem.
  • Oct 29, 1176

    Battle of Legnano

    Battle of Legnano
    In 1176, the foot soldiers of the Lombard League faced Frederick's army of mounted knights at the Battle of Legnano. In a victory, these foot soldiers used crossbows to defeat fedueal knights for the first time in history.
  • Oct 29, 1177

    Frederick making peace with the pope

    Frederick making peace with the pope
    In 1177, Frederick made peace with the pope and returned to Gernamy. Frederick's military deafeat, and undermined his authority with the German princes.
  • Oct 29, 1190

    Drowning of Frederick

    Drowning of Frederick
    After Frederick drowned, his empire dissolved into an array of fragmented feudal states.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta guaranteed certain basic political rights, including no taxation without representation, a jury trial, and the protection of law.
  • Nov 20, 1295

    Parliament is formed in England

    Parliament is formed in England
    England's legislative group is known as parliament. This assembly was broken into two parts. One made up of knights and burgesses which were known as the House of Commons. The other group was made up of nobles and bishops which were known as the House of Lords.
  • Nov 20, 1321


    Vernacular is the everyday language of their homeland. Dante Alighieri wrote "The Divine Comedy" in Italian in 1321. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote "The Canterbury Tales" in English about 1387-1400. Christine de Pisan wrote "The City of Ladies" in French in 1405. Since most people couldn't read or understand Latin, these writers brought literature to tons of poeple.
  • Period: May 20, 1337 to Jul 20, 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    The Hundred Years' War
    The English and the French frought in the Hundred Years' War. It started when the King of England claimed to be the ruler of France too. The French won the war and all the battles of the war took place in France.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1340 to Nov 20, 1400

    Bubonic Plague- Black Death

    The Bubonic Plague Information
    1/3 of Europe's populations died from the plague. It began in Asia and was brought to Europe through trade routes. Jew then became the scapegoat for the disease and death.
  • Jan 6, 1412

    Joan of Arc's birth

    Joan of Arc's birth
    Joan of Arc was a peasant girl.She was born on January 6, 1412. She dressed as a man because she wanted to lead an army and blend in. She heard a voice coming from the right side of her brain. It said go to church, behvave yourself, and go to France.
  • Nov 20, 1414

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The split in the Church was known as the Great Schism. After Pope Gregory XI died, Italian Pope Urban VI has been chosen. The French cardials elected another pope a few months later. They chose Clement VII. The pope's each declared the other to be a false pope. The French pope lived in Avignon, while the Italian pope lived in Rome. This caused a split in the Church.
  • Crowning of Charlemagne by the pope

    Crowning of Charlemagne by the pope
    The pope gives Charlemagne power but really God is giving him power.
  • The death of Charlemagne

    The death of Charlemagne
    After the death of Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Empire was the strongest kingdom that arose from the ruins of his empire.
  • Crowning Otto emperor by the pope

    Crowning Otto emperor by the pope
    Otto followed Charlemagne's footsteps and invaded Italy on the pope's behalf.
  • Otto crowned king

    Otto crowned king
    Otto was crowned king in 936, consciously copied the policies of his boyhood hero, Charlemagne.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charlemagne