Culture and Currents of Thought

  • Oct 27, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    -Influenced of ideas on cultural expression: spirituality, social relationships, respect for nature and communications and exchange.
    -Spirituality: Shamanism, myths and legends, and dreamcatchers
    -Social relationships: respect for elders, traditions, freedom of actions
    -Nature: Animism, circle of life
    -Communication and exchange: oral traditions, song and dance, ceremoonies
  • French Regime 1

    French Regime 1
    -The influence of ideas on cultural expression: the Divine Right of Kings, Catholicism, and by the independent spirit annd adaptability of the Canadians.
    -The king has absolute power (King Louis the 14th.
    -Catholicism: caltholic religion on culture, very powerful, did what the church wanted or ou were killed.
    -The clergy worked as parishers, missiionaries, in hospitals, in schools.
    -For most people religion was central to their lives.
  • French Regime 2

    French Regime 2
    -The independent spirit and adaptability of the Canadians influence the culture.
    -Settlers, the habitants had happy lives but ut was hard work. There was a lot of work to be done; caring for crops, making cothes, fixing tools and preparing winter.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    -The king ended the monopoly and placed New France under the Minister of Marine, Jean-Baptiste Colbert.
    -He and King Louis the 14th decided to implement the Royal Government.
  • Les Canadiens

    Les Canadiens
    -In New France the people were very autonomous.
    -By 1760 they grew to become a distinct set of people.
    -They were called Canadien.
  • British Rule 2

    British Rule 2
    -Anticlericalism: against the church, seperate church from government, government over church and promote more democratic regime.
    - Imperialism: being loyal to the mother country / land (Britain), architectural influence, parliamentary political organisation.
  • British Rule 1

    British Rule 1
    -The influence of ideans on cultural expression: currents of thought like liberalism, ultramontanism, anticlericalism and imperialism.
    -Liberalism: pilitival snd social freedom, government guarantees individual rights and civil liberties.
    -Ultramontanism: supports the church, church over government,obedience to the catholiv religion, the party in Roman Catholic church that favors increasing and enhancing power and authority to the Pope.
  • Power To The Bishops

    Power To The Bishops
    -After 1837, the bishops became way more powerful.
    -The cures became the most important person in the parish.
    -Church was still in charge of registering births, marriages and deaths.
  • Education

    -Church controls education
    -Laval university was created in 1852
    -Protestant Universities were Mcgill which was created in 1821 and Bishops which was created in 1843.
  • Contemporary Period 2

    Contemporary Period 2
    -Capitalism: economic freedom, buy, start or sell whatever uou want.
    -Socialism: social freedom, ownership of lands, businesses, etc...
    -Agriculturism: supports and leans to push for the farm/farmer/agriculture life for the people.
    -Nationalism: don't want any ties with mother country (Britain)
    -French Canadians: want nothing to do with Britain, love Canada, that is their country and that's it.
    -English Canadians: like the british ways but still want to be an independent Canadian.
  • Contemporary Period 3

    Contemporary Period 3
    -Laicism: church loses all power over hospitals, schools, seperates church and government, government over church.
    -Cooperatism: farming co-op, business, it is a group business shares and then sells in order for each individual to make money so that no one doesn't make money.
    -Americanism: influence of American culture through the media, music, dance, films, television and radio, church (catholic).
  • Contemporary Period 4

    Contemporary Period 4
    -Feminism: equality between men and women, World War One changed things for women.
    -Feminists then and now are different, due to the fact that today we have most of the same things as men!! Such as votes, rights, education, jobs, but still viewed as lesser since we are women.
    -Neoliberalism: new wave of immigration, government doesn't get involved in anything, since they aren't allowed to, whatever the people think is good for the people is what was decided.
  • Comtemporary Period 5

    Comtemporary Period 5
    -Aboriginalism: wants ancestral rights and recognition through writing, language, music, educaiton, etc...
  • Contemporary Period 1

    Contemporary Period 1
    The influence of ideas on cultural expression: imperialism, capitalism, socialism, agriculturism, nationalism, laicism, cooperatism, fascism, feminism, americanism, neoliberalism, aboriginalism.
    -Imperialism: being loyal to the mother country / land (Britain), architectural influence, parliamentary political organisation.
  • Women's Right To Vote

    Women's Right To Vote
    -Since the women had to vote on behalf of their husbands during World War One.
    -This results in women obtaining the right to vote in Federal elections (first only family forces in 1917, then all in 1918.
  • Native Issues

    Native Issues
    -In summer of 1990, the Mohawk warriors estaclished road blocks on the borders to their reserves in Oka just outside of Montreal.
    -Oka crisis
    -It lasts 78 days in Montreal
    -Charlottetown accord was created to deal with these issues.