
Culminating Exam

  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Renaissance means "rebirth." It started on 1350 and ended around 1550. People believed they had witnessed a rebirth of the ancienrt Greek and Roman worlds. It was also the age of recovery from disasters of the fourteenth century.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    The Ming Dynasty

    The Ming Dynasty
    The Ming Dynasty wanted China to be self-sufficent. They also wanted to make sure that no central Asian people ever conquered China again. The naval expeditions if the early Ming period
    didn't continue for long ending in around 1644.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invtented the Printing Press. It was a faster way to print things and allowed ideas and knowledge to spread faster and further than ever before.
  • Jan 1, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a monk and spend his life searching for salvation. He was commited to his relifgious beliefs and wanted to change certain church practices that were wrong so he formed the Lutheran Church (1483-1546)
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    In about 1500, several northen humanists argued that the Roman Catholic Chuch had lost sight of its spiritual mission. Their claims would lead to a reform movement that would split the church in western Europle
  • Jan 1, 1517

    The 95 Theses

    The 95 Theses
    They were written by Martin Luther in 1517. He put it up on a church door. He wrote them to express his concerns against the Catholic Church. The 95 Theses asked for a change in the Church.
  • The Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty
    A new Ming Dynaty emerged and they were called the Qing Dynasty. They ruled until 1912. They weren't Chinese but adopted Chinese culture. Their population grew quickly so it placed lots of pressure on the government. In 1796, the peasants had a rebellion and rebellions kept occuring so the dynaty eventually declined.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    It started around the 1700s even though people don't know the exact year. It was a philosophical movement of imtelectuals who were geatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    This revolution was economic and it changed the way the world produced goods. It began around the late 18th century so around 1750 and ended around the 1900s. People moved out of the country and moved into cities to work in factories. There was also lots of techincal advancement being made.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    It is a formal statement that declares "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" for the United States of America. It was signed by the congressional representatives of the Thirteen Colonies. Thomas Jefferson signed it as well.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastile was a large and empty royal prison so a mob marched over to the Bastille and knocked it down killing the commander and his men. The few prisoners were freed and King Louis freaked out but he had already lost all his power.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    This period of time called the Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 through July 1794. Jacobins Robespierre was the leader and during that time many people were killed, adding up to 17,000 people. Marie Antonniete was one of the first to die. This event was designed to fight the enemies of the revolution.
  • The Treaty of Nanjing

    The Treaty of Nanjing
    China gave Hong Kong to britain. It also opened new ports for British trade.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism began around 1850 and ended around 1914. The countries began to control a land that didn't belong to them and made it a territory of their land. The land wasn't theirs, they just had control over it.
  • The Treaty of Kanagawa

    The Treaty of Kanagawa
    Under military pressure Japan agreed to the Treaty of Kanagawa. This treaty between Japan and the U.S.A provided for returns of ships wrecked American soldiers.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration
    A group of samurai overthrew Tokugawa Shouganate. then the empire returned to emperor to power.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    German, British, and Portuguese officials met to set territory from each African land. No African officials were present during this moment.
  • The Open Door Policy

    The Open Door Policy
    This event happened on the year 1899. The U.S government appeared to the other nations to recoghite Open Door Policy - Under this all nations would have equal rights trade in China.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    Lasted from November 2, 1899 to September 7, 1901. Boxer members of a secret society who were hamonias rists. They practiced shadowboxing and were upset about foreign control so in 1900 they roamed the countryside and began to kill.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War 1 was a military conflict that started in 1914 and ended in 1918. It had many of the biggest powers of the world. It involved two opposing alliances ; the Allies and the Centaral Powers. It started because of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his pregnant wife Sophie.