Creation Of Israel

  • First Aliyah

    The first modern widespread wave of Zionist Jews migrate to Palestine from 1882-1903. An estimated 25,000-35,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine during the First Aliyah.
  • Second Aliyah

    The most important and influential. It took place between 1904 and 1914, during which approximately 40,000 Jews immigrated into Ottoman Palestine, mostly from Russia and Poland. Resulted from Russian Pogroms.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Post-WWI, the British had influence over Palestine in order to prepare the country for independence. The Balfour Declaration is a statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favouring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine after WWI. Britain needed Jewish support in the war and by having a Zionist stand they could have this.
  • 1922 White Paper

    After investigation of the Arab riots of 1921, the Balfour declaration was not, and instead the area under influence of the British Mandate was reduced. This did not apply to any areas past the Jordan river.
  • Wailing Wall

    Arab fears that Jews were attempting to seize control of Jerusalem's Wailing Wall in August 1929 caused a series of riots that left 133 Jews and 116 Arabs dead.
  • 1930 White Paper

    Limited Jewish immigration and purchase of land in Palestine after another series of Arab riots in 1929.
  • Peel Commission

    The Peel Commission attempted to have local self-government and split Palestine into parts for the Jews and Arabs and still ensure a Jewish homeland.
  • WWII and the Holocaust

    WWII and the Holocaust resulted in another wave of Jewish immigration from Europe to Palestine
  • Resolution 181

    UN partition Palestine into two states: one Jewish, the other Arab with this partition.
  • Independence Of Israel

    The Jewish Agency declares the Jewish State of Israel as its own independent country.