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Conflict of Israel

  • Beginning

    There was a lot of conflict going on with Israel such as the oil reserves, and also Israel being attacked because most of the Middle East countries don't recognize it's right to exist.
  • Conflicts with Arabs

    Conflicts with Arabs
    As Israel's neighbor's kept attacking them, the more land Israel took over. Therefore many Palestinian Arabs lived under Israel's power such at the end caused a lot of tension and conflict.
  • War in 1967

    War in 1967
    In 1967 Israel was attacked by the Arab but they defeated them and Israel gained control over land in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • War in 1973

    War in 1973
    Egypt and Syria decided to do a surprise attack on Israel on 1973, they wanted to get their land back. Of course, Israel was not prepared for this so they asked the U.S for help.
  • The end

    The end
    Finally, in 1977 Egypt wanted peace with Israel therefore they came up with a peace agreement known as, " Camp David Accords". At last Egypt recognized Egypt and Israel returned back the land of Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.