Israel palestine

Arab-Israeli Conflict

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    The 1948 War

    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel. But none of them stood a chance as Israel gained land through this. Egypt was able to gain the Gaza Strip and Jordon obtained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In the end, Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    Egypt blockaded Israel and Egypt, Jordon, Syria, and Iraq moved troops into Israel's borders and made threatening statements. until Israel launched a preemptive strike and captured the West Bank along with East Jerusalem from Jordon, the Golden Heights from Syria and the Gaza Strip. They also captured all of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula making more Palestinians and Jews become refugeess. In other words, terrorism became common. All this lasted for 6 days.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    The Israeli government approves the construction of settlements in Sinai, Gaza, and the West Bank. First settlements were planned to be security posts to protect the new settlement territories first stolen in the 1967 war. These settlements were also built on Jewish village sites destroyed in the 1948 War. Although settlement soon increased overtime, it was very limited in it's early stages.
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    The Attrition Battles

    After the Six Day War, Israel tried to make peace but the Arab nations thought otherwise and attampted to attack Israel again. This all ended when PLO tried to overthrow King Hussein in Jordon but failed horribly and Israel pussed them back to their place.
  • Yom Kipper War (The October War)

    Yom Kipper War (The October War)
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in Yom Kipper and due to the success of the initial Arab military, Israel pushed both opponents back. However, the U.S. soon convinced Israel to return the stolen territories and once the war ended, they retained all the territory but did not keep any additional land in the end. This lasted 20 days.
  • Egypt and Israel Peace Treaty

    Egypt and Israel Peace Treaty
    With intense diplomatic efforts from the United States, Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel and sign a peace treaty with them. Egypt's president at the time Anwar Sadat, realized that continuing the war against Israel hurt Egypt's economy and their citizens well-being. Along with that, Israel returned all of the Sinai that they captured in 1967 and removed the Jews that lived in that settlement. This event in history became Israel model for their "land for peace" policy.
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    The 1982 Lebanon War

    When PLO units continued to attack northern Israel, Israel strikes back. Unlike the other few wars, this war was more confusing and struggling for Israel but in the end, they withdrew from Lebanon once they were pushed back far enough.
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    The First Intifada

    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank began an uprising against Israeli control for those territories. Using improvised weapons supplied by the PLO who also organized most of their uprising. Suicide attacks were used in this fight, leading Israel to use military force to maintain such violence. This uprising lasted up until the Oslo Accords signing in 1993.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    The Oslo Accords were a set of agreements signed by Israel and the PLO in 1993. This lead to the creation of the Palestinian Authority which administered the territory under it's control. Israel also had to remove it's military from the Gaza strip and from a small area of Jericho. Although, they could still defend themselves and their citizens. Soon, both Israel and the Palestinians accused each other of not doing what they were told to do.
  • Israel and Jordan Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan Peace Treaty
    Similar to Israel and Egypt, U.S. tried to make a peace treaty for Jordan and Israel. Although it was much difficult compared to Israel and Egypt, they succeeded and achieved peace, making Jordan to be the second country to recognize Israel. To this day, Trade, Tourism, Business relationships, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between them has increased.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    Bill Clinton, the U.S. President at the time, tried to bring Israel and Palestine together in this trip to Camp David. However, it failed seeing how Palestine would not agree so easily, asking for the withdraw of the majority of the West Bank and more. This lasted a few days.
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    The Second Intifada

    In Sep. 2000 when the Israeli General Ariel Sharon was visiting the Jewish Temple Mount, there was widespread about the slow peace process. Some Palestine thought Sharon's visit was provocative and began a riot. This caused the Second Intifada which lead to bloodshed and suffering on both sides. While some people believe this all ended on February 2005, others believe the Second Intifada is still happening.
  • West Bank Barrier Construction Begins

    West Bank Barrier Construction Begins
    Israel decided to build a wall to protect its citizens from the terrorist groups. Similar to the 1996 wall to protect them from the Gaza Strip, both walls were very effective and reduced the number of suicide bombings coming from the Gaza and West Bank. However the fact that Israel just wants peace, The walls give people something to argue against their belief even though some say the walls were temporary and could be removed easily.
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    During Buirut Summit of the Arab League, prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia offered a peace initiative that was endorsed by everyone in the Arab League. The proposal said Israel will return the territory taken in the 1967 War and they'll have peace. Although Israel liked this, they didn't accept all the terms specifically: The fact that they'd give up their pre-1967 War territory. In July 2007, Israel met with Arab League representative to discuss the proposal.
  • Roadmap for Peace is Proposed

    Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
    A plan for peace proposed in 2003 by the "Quartet" the U.S., Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. This plan involved reciprocal steps by the Israelis and Palestinians with the ultimate goal of an independent Palestinian state and a secure level.
  • Disengagement from Gaza

    Disengagement from Gaza
    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon moved ahead with the policy of "Disengagement," or the physical separation of lsrael from Palestinian territories. ln addition to continuing the construction of the West Bank Barrier, he determined that lsraeli should withdraw from the Gaza Strip. This was very controversial in lsrael because the lsraeli citizens who lived there did not want to leave. lsrael decided to remove itself from this territory so that the Palestinians living there could govern themselves.
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    Palestinians elected a majority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's legislature over the PLO's Fatah party that had previously been in power. Some believe Hamas won because they thought the last government was corrupt. Hamas calls for the destruction of lsrael and for the killing of Jews. lt does not accept previous Palestinian-lsraeli agreements, The group has claimed responsibility for hundreds of terrorist attacks.
  • 2006 Lebanon War

    2006 Lebanon War
    A 34-day war: Hezbollah is a radical lslamist organization committed to destroying lsrael. lt is based in Lebanon and is believed to be heavily supported by lran and Syria, On July 11,2006, ìt crossed the Lebanon-lsrael border and attacked an lsraeli army unit, killing eight soldiers and kidnapping two more who were later murdered.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Hamas militants attacked Fatah members throughout Gaza. ln response, the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, dissolved the Hamas government. Today, there are in effect two Palestinian governments: Hamas controls Gaza and the Palestinian Authority controls the West Bank. Western sanctions to the Palestinian Authority were lifted after the Hamas government was dissolved.
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    The Gaza War

    lsrael attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in an attempt to stop rocket attacks on southern lsrael and to disrupt terrorist infrastructure and weapons smuggling. Hundreds of militants were killed. But because Hamas was based in and launched attacks from urban areas, there were also much civilian casualties and Gaza's buildings and economy were heavily damaged"
  • Gaza Flotilla incident

    Gaza Flotilla incident
    After Hamas seized control from the Palestinian Authoriiy, lsrael and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza. They required all goods to be inspected before enterlng Gaza to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons.six ships set sailto breakthe blockade. lsrael informed the ships that they could not sail into Gaza, but they could dock at the lsraeli port of Ashdod where their cargo would be inspected and permitted goods would be shipped into Gaza.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Before 2011, no Arab state had a democratic government. citizens in Arab states began to protest against autocratic and oppressive governments. Protests spread from Tunisia across the Arab world. Protests have also occurred in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Yemen and other countries. The long-term impact of the ongoing changes in Arab nations on the Arab-lsraeli conflict and peace process is not yet clear.