Iraq war 01

conflict in israel

  • indepence of Israel

    the day Israel declared its independce from Britan. the day before the first arab-israeli war
  • Period: to

    conflict in israel

    this is the start to end of the major conflicts in israel
  • six day war

    this war took place over six days with massive assults agaisnt israeli neighbors. israel took land from the arab countrys setting the stage for the yom kippur war.
  • yom kippur war

    this war derives its name from the jewish holy day on the first dat of the war. this arab vs israel war took the help of the USA on the israeli side to push back the arab nations and finally come to a cease-fire.
  • camp david accords

    this was the first time israel had been reconized by one of the arab states. this document signed on US soil stopped 50 years of fighting between israel and egypt
  • gaza turn over

    the city of gaza was turned over to the palistines from israel. this turn over ended most of the conflict of fighting between palistines and israeli's