
Conflict in Israel

  • British mandate for palestine

    British mandate for palestine
    Britain was given the Palestine Mandate on land comprising modern day Israel, the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jordan.
  • UN PartitionPlan

    UN PartitionPlan
    In 1947, a midst growing tensions between Arabs, Jews
    ,and the British, Britain announced its plan to pull out of the region and turned the question of sovereignty over to the United Nations.
  • six-Day War /1967 Arab-Israeli

    six-Day War /1967 Arab-Israeli
    Egypt closed the international water way, the Straits of Tiran, to all Israeli shipping, an act of war in international law. War
    These actions were accompanied by Arab leaders statements about their intent to destroy Israel.
  • Camp David Acoords

    Camp David Acoords
    Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar alSadat of Egypt signed agreements in Camp David. The American-sponsored talks paved the way to the peace treaty signed in 1979
  • Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty

    Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
    For its part, Israel returned to Egypt all of the Sinai that had been captured during the 1967 war and removed Jewish families from the homes they had established there. This agreement became a model for Israel’s “land for peace” policy.