Conflict in Israel

  • Suez Crisis

    Nasser would start to take a hostile stance towards Israel with this he wanted to nationalize the Suez Canal, With this The Southern part of the Suez Canal had been blocked off. "wherein Israel would invade Egypt; France and Britain would then intervene, ostensibly as peacemakers, and take control of the canal."
  • 6 day war

    The 6 day war was the third war between Arab-Israeli wars, Israeli air forces attack Egypt. Through this whole thing it seems that Israel is just going in on all of this and taking over all they land they wanted/lost. A bit of bad news within this is that cities were attacked and innocent civilian's died.
  • Yom Kippur War

    The reason it's called the Yom Kippur War is because its a holiday there and it just happened to happen on the same day. "Israel was caught off guard by Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal and by Syrian forces crossing into the Golan Heights" Israel still fought back and stole the Golan Heights back
  • The Persian Gulf War

    After the cease-fire Hussein started to build up The Iran Military again, even if they already had the biggest military in the Arab world. They would start to drill into the Iraq oil containers and steal their oil. After this The U.S would do a Coalition and launch this War, With this Iraq would destroy its Chemical and Biological weapons and agree to not make them.
  • The Iraq War

    With the attacks of September 11, 2001, The U.S Government Believed that Hussein was a big Treat to them and thought he would have even more weapons and idea to help Terrorists. When this was thought the U.S decided to do a U.S led coalition to invade Israel with this it get really deadly for the people who lived there.