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Conflict and Absolutism in Europe

  • 1389

    Battle of Kosovo

    Battle of Kosovo
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Ottomans attack Constantinople

    The Ottomans moved to attack the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans, with 80,000 troops compared to the Byzantine Empire's mere 7,000 took over Constantinople after 2 months of fighting. The emperor of Byzantine was killed in battle.
  • 1520

    Mannerism emerged

    Mannerism was a form of art that arose in the 1520s and it depicted the tension caused by religious upheaval. The classic rules of proportion used in the art of that time were set aside to show extreme emotions like suffering and sadness.One of the most famous figures of that time was El Greco, a painter.
  • 1520

    Suleyman I Ruled Ottoman Empire

    Suleyman I Ruled Ottoman Empire
  • 1562

    French Wars of Religion

    French Wars of Religion
  • Shah Abbas Ruled Ottoman Empire

  • William Shakespeare Appears

    William Shakespeare Appears
    William Shakespeare, one of the most famous authors, poets and playwrights of all time appeared around 1592. His plays transformed the world of art and theater. His plays were able to be seen by anybody who wanted to watch, the cheapest fee being two pennies. He was also credited by coming up with various new words and names that are used today.
  • Shah Jahan Ruled Muslim Empire

  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War was between the supporters of the Parliament and the Royal Family. The supporters of the Parliament were called the Roundheads. The supporters of the Royal Family were called Cavaliers.
  • Charles I executed

    King Charles I's actions upset the Parliament. After the English Civil War he was beheaded due to treason. The monarchy was abolished.
  • Witchcraft Trials

    Witchcraft Trials
    The Witch Trials were targeted widows in their 50s. Women were burned or hung if they were accused of being witches. This happened in a time of tension and fear, therefore encouraging people to make irrational decisions such as these witch trials.
  • Monarchy Restored

  • Peter the Great Becomes Czar

    Peter the Great Becomes Czar
    Peter the great was an absolute monarch who claimed divine power. To westernize Russia's military he borrowed European technology. He had a sense of fear around his ruling.
  • The Sun King Dies

  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle of Plassey
    Sir Robert Clive led British troops into the Battle of Plassey. The mogul court gave the east india trading company the power to collect taxes. He led an army of about 3,000 and won.