Confict in Sudan

  • South western Sudan

    South western Sudan
    On the border with the Central African Republic, is divided by the Bahr-al-Arab and Bahr-al-Ghazal rivers into two zones. It is considered South Western Sudan. Two parts of Sudan that are divided like the equater and the sea.
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  • Turco-Egyption Rade

    African villagers were caught, beaten and roped together. Then they were walked and shipped great distances to be sold on as domestic servants, farm hands, or concubines.
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  • Forign traders

    Forign traders
    Foriegn traiders encouraged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for treasure including ivory and slaves. These traders were the ones who encouraged Sudans people to sell their own people for money, people in Sudanese people pleaded that Sudan was a slave free and peaceful place.
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  • overthrows Gen. Abboud

    overthrows Gen. Abboud
    Anglo-Egyptian force under Lord Kitchener in 1898. nominally administered jointly by Egypt and Britain, Britain exercised control, formulated policies, and supplied most of the top administrators
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  • Sudanisation

    The British concentrated on development in the North, building railways and a modern civil service. Nationalist political parties began to grow.
    In class assignment
  • Sudanization 2

    800 Administrative posts were vacuated by the britsh and sudanized as self rule was introduced with a westminister-style parliament.
  • Norternization

    Sotherners were not represented at the 1953 Cairo conference on self rule, on the grounds they had no party or organization. Nothenization was Sudanization.
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  • The second civial war in Sudan

    The second civial war in Sudan
    Sothern soldiers multiplied rather than follow orders transfering them to the North. This meant more soldiers gives them a better chance to win the war. This picture is of the sothern soldiers of Sudan multipling against the North.
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  • oil in meaning

    oil in meaning
    Oil means more money which means more buildings cities and places by oil to get money. This picture explains how all the other countries faught over the oil in Sudan. As oil became a valuable thing oil was one of the biggest conflicts in Sudan.
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  • the Addis Ababa Agreement

    the Addis Ababa Agreement
    granted a measure of autonomy to the south. It did help very much and granted the south much peace and fulfilment in their daily work in Sudan. It made the North and South rest on agreement.
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  • oil production

    oil production
    A pumpstation pumps oil to where it needs to go in order for the the country to make use of it and trade. They were located mostly in North Sudan, Khartoum and Port Sudan. Looting the oil like other countries did started a war all itself.
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  • power obtained and maintained

    power obtained and maintained
    Nimeiri abolished the southern region, declared Arabic the official language of the south (instead of English) and transferred control of southern armed forces to the central government.
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  • Sharia law was incorporated

    Sharia law was incorporated
    The punishments included harsh amputations for theft and public lashing of alchol. The punishments would be of very high and unneccesary acts such as whippings and stoning until death. Even the liitlest law breaking step could get you a big punshment
    in class work
  • Nimeiri is overthrown

    Nimeiri is overthrown
    He was overthrown because the collapsing in the economy, the war in the south, and pratical repression. He was one of the soldiers and guided his troops but he failed to relize that there is much more to the economy than war.
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  • Teuous peace

    Teuous peace
    It solved the repatiation and resettlement of refugees, Withdrawl of troops from sothern Sudan, and cease fire. This peacement resolved alot of issues in the South.
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