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Church timeline

  • Aug 19, 1303

    Creation of Greek Othodox

  • Aug 19, 1505

    Creation of the Presbyterian Church

    Slipt due to number of issues such as human slaveries
  • Creation of the Baptist Church

    split because the people believed in Baptist and how cleansing sins with water
  • Creation of Methodist

    so-called Methodists started individual societies or classes for members of the Church of England who wanted to live a more religious life.
  • Creation of Latter Day Saints

    They believe they are they are children of a loving, heavenly father who sent us to earth to learn and grow in a mortal state.
  • Creation of the Anglican Church

    Because King Henry the Eighth kept on divorcing his wives. The Christian Church said that he wasn’t allowed to do that, so he started his own Church
  • Creation of the Uniting Church

    congregations of the Methodist Church of Australia, the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Congregational Union of Australia came together under the basis of Union.