Church History Timeline Bible Hour 5

  • 100

    70 AD Siege of Jerusalem

    70 AD Siege of Jerusalem
    In 70 AD there was a siege on Jerusalem. Thsi was because of rising tensions between the Roman Empire and the Jews that led to an all out war. The fall of Jerusalem changed the church in many ways. They had to stabilize themsevles because of this. In order to stabilize themselves they had to establish three things. They had to establish Canon (establishing scripture), establish Episcopacy (setting up leadership and roles in the church), and to establish creeds (short statements of belief)
  • 325

    Council of Nicea 325 AD

    Council of Nicea 325 AD
    IN 325 AD the council of Nicea was decided on the decision of Jesus' divinity. They decided taht JEsus was of the same substance of the Father. Arianism was rejected as heresy. and there was increasingly more intermingling in the church.
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon 451 AD

    Council of Chalcedon 451 AD
    In 451 AD there was the council of Chalcedon which made the decision about how Jesus' two natures work together. They decided that Jesus is one person who is both fully God and man. Extra-biblical terms areused to expound on ideas in Scripture.
  • 530

    Benedict's Rule and the rise of Monasticism 530 AD

    Benedict's Rule and the rise of Monasticism 530 AD
    In 530 Benedict's Rule was written and decribed various Monastic practices to live the life of a spiritual athelete. The outcomes of Monasticism are the separation from the influence og the world, the learning od spiritual disciplines, a Christ-centered practice of life, the monks preserved, copied, studied, and translated Scripture, and Monastismbecame the driving force of the Christian faith. However the bad outcomes were that it present ed a two-tiered Chrsitian life/work based life.
  • Apr 10, 1054

    The Great Schism of 1054 AD

    The Great Schism of 1054 AD
    In 1054 AD the Great Schism occured. This was the first official time that the church had split. The church finally spilt over preexisting tensions and was torn into Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. After the Schism, the Crusades would take place and only further drive a wedge between the two.
  • Apr 16, 1054

    Diet of Worms 1054

    Diet of Worms 1054
    This period of history is called the "Protestant Reformation". The augsburg Confession was in 1530 was when the German rules united together under a Lutheran confession of faith. In 1521, Luther would not recant on his writings in front of the emperor and others gathered at Worms. This sparked a religious war and caused the Protestant reformation and Catholic counter-reformation.
  • The conversion of the Wesleys

    The conversion of the Wesleys
    They devoted their lives to Christ. John and Charles Wesley held church services in barns , private homes, and other various locations. They devoted their lives in service to God. They were among the first to embrace outdoor evangelism/ travelling evangelism.
  • The Edinburgh Missionary Conference

    The Edinburgh Missionary Conference
    The Edinburgh Missionary Conference was a conference that called together a free church in Scotland. Their goal was to extend the influence and hope of the Church. During this period of time many single woman were getting involved in the church. An example of this is Mary Slessor. Though this was a triumph in the Christian church there ware many who were killed and martyred for their faith in Christ.
  • Coronation of Charlemage 800 AD

    Coronation of Charlemage 800 AD
    In 800 AD Charlemagne was crowned emperor of Rome. He was crowned by the pope. This shows the synthesis between the church and the Roman Empire. The pope was becoming more powerful and was now viewed as the spokesperson for God. This led to some abuses of power int he church.