
By geek-y
  • 1500 BCE

    birth of yout country

    birth of yout country
  • birth of the us

    birth of the us
    came from england
  • China relationships

    China relationships
    China has had a relationship with the us since 1912 with any problems
  • china relationship with US

    Relations between the two countries have generally been stable with some periods of open conflict, most notably during the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
  • China trades things to the U.S

  • tiananmen square

  • vocabulary

    Monsoon- a seasonal rainfall near the Indian subcontinent, brought on by the winds of the Indian Ocean
  • vocab

    Caste System- A fixed class structure of India. Roughly speaking, if you are born poor, you will be poor
  • vocab

    Czar/Csar- Another name for a king, most notably in Russia.
  • vocab

    Caste System- A fixed class structure of India. Roughly speaking, if you are born poor, you will be poor.
  • vocab

    Isolationism- A policy by which a country cuts itself off from the outside world in order to focus in on local prosperity.