Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war

  • Manchu dynasty

    Manchu dynasty
    China was ruled by the imperial Manchu dynasty, the vast majority of the population were peasants and their life was hard, working the land, and most were extremely poor. It was the peasants who paid the taxes that in turn paid for the great Manchu imperial court
  • Chinese Republic

    Chinese Republic
    Ther occur a revolution called Double Tenth and the Chinese Republic was established
  • GMD

    Sun´s party reformed as the GMD, Yuan Shikai declared provisional president
  • Pu Yi abdicated

    Pu Yi abdicated
    Pu Yi of the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan, was the last Emperor of China and the twelfth and final ruler of the Qing dynasty
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    The movement was directed toward national independence, emancipation of the individual, and rebuilding society and culture. Students were the main in cahrge of the movement in Beijng
  • CCP

    Chinese Communist Party CCP was formed
  • GMD and CCP

    GMD and CCP
    The Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party were united in an alliance, with the objective to unified the nation.
    The first step was the warlods
  • Dr. Sun Yixian

    Dr. Sun Yixian
    Dr. Sun Yixian died, the GMD created the Three Principles
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    It was the violent suppression of GMD organizations in Shanghai, killing all the communist of the CCP in Shanghai
  • GMD took Beijing

    GMD took Beijing
    Jiang Jieshi ruled China, it was declaratede inited and GMD turns against CCP