

By mh3128
  • Today

    This day i'm hoping to acheive quite a few goals by the day i graduate. I hope to get very good grades in all highschool classes so i can get a high GPA. Also i hope to have alot of money from all my summer jobs.
  • Jobs

    This summer i am starting to do many jobs so i can get enough money by the end of my senior year to try and make it on my own. I'm going to be babysitting, mowing, helping my parents, and cleaning other peoples houses.
  • Graduating

    Today i am graduation from hightschool with a 4.0 GPA. I have many scholarships, and a very successful path going onto college. I hope to continute having a very high GPA and many internships.
  • Moving

    Today i am moving to Vermillion because that is where i am going to be attending college.
  • First Day

    First Day
    Just starting my first day of school at USD. I only have 3 classes today but i will continute to get more. I am paying in loans because i am not able to afford paying in one bunch.
  • First Day of Work

    First Day of Work
    Today i am starting my first day of being a pediatrician. I'm starting out my salary at about $80 an hour. Around $150,000 a year. I am working in Sioux Falls for now, but plan on moving to a bigger city.
  • Moving Again.

    Moving Again.
    This time, i will be moving to New York City. I feel that i can get a lot more accomplished and get a better learning experience here.
  • Retirement.

    I finally rached my retirement at the age of 65. I have enough money to live off of it for the rest of my life. Putting in long stressful hours were definately worth it.