Byzantine Timeline- Samantha Long

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine Capital
    German invaders took land from the Roman empire in the west. This caused ,Constantine, the Roman emperor to shift their base farther East. Constantine rebuilt Constantinople and made it the new capital of the empire.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt

    Nika Revolt
    The Nika revolt were riots that almost overthrew the Byzantine Emperor named Justinian. The riot was caused by the people of the Byzantine Empire being unhappy with the idea of rebuilding Rome.
  • 533

    General Belisarius Military Camapaigns

    General Belisarius Military Camapaigns
    General Belisarius was born to poor parents but he was able to become one of the greatest generals in the Byzantine empire. He was thought to have the perfect sense of when to go fight and when to stay and heal. He had so much success because of his unfamiliar battle strategies and was able to surprise Persia and defeat them. In this war alone 20,000-30,000 people were slaughtered.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Completed

    Hagia Sophia Completed
    The first Hagia Sophia that was built burnt to the ground in 404 during riots. Justinian rebuilt the last church of Hagia Sophia that had an amazing dome as a focal point.
  • 632

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
  • Period: 632 to 700

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Community spread through the middle east through conquest. This caused a major growth of the Muslim state. This showed people how important faith is and how it flourishes. The military success was inspired by religion but also through greed and politics.
  • 1018

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    Emperor Basil attacked many powerful places like Mesopotamia, Georgia, and, Armenia. He was very aggressive in the way he fought by not taking no for an answer.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The Great Schism can also be called the East-West Schism due to tension. The separation between the Eastern Church of the Byzantine empire and the Western Church of the Holy Roman empire.
  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
    During the fourth crusade Pope Innocent the third Jr called to attack, this began in 1202. He was trying to retake Jerusalem from the then current Muslim overlords. Many things were lost due to the attack; riches, relics, and artwork. This caused the Byzantine empire to be divided between Venice and its allies.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    The ruler of the Ottoman Turks was Sultan Mehmed II. He led the attack on Constantinople in 1453. The Turks outnumbered the Constantinople by having 150,000 men while Constantinople had only 10,000 men. This war lasted for an entire 50 days. The Turks were very smart by taking control of land but also taking over the sea.
  • Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II
    Pope Urban II makes a very important speech to influence the crusades to rise to the challenge of war against Muslims. They went to war to reclaim the holy land.