
Byzantine Timeline

  • Period: 330 to 330

    Emperor Constantine founded the Byzantine capital

    Roman emperor and his successors shifted their base to eastern Mediterranean. Constantine rebuilt Byzantine then renames it Constantinople the new capital of the empire.
  • Period: 532 to 540

    General Belisarius military campaigns

    In 533 AD Belarius was sent to Persia by Justinian and had many victories. He was then sent to Ostrogoths in Italy 535 AD and won. Naples and Rome in 536 AD. And last Ravenna in 539 AD.
  • Period: 533 to 533

    Nika revolt

    The war only lasted about a week but in that time half of the city was destroyed and burned. Tens of thousands of people were killed.
  • Period: 537 to 537

    Hagia Sophia completed

    Justinian rebuilt The Hagia Sophia after the riots to make Constantinople "grander than ever". Hagia Sophia means holy wisdom and is still standing today.
  • Period: Feb 1, 622 to Feb 1, 750

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    The war between the Byzantine and Islamic started because of there religious beliefs.
  • Period: Feb 16, 986 to Feb 16, 1014

    Emperor Basil ll military conquests of Bulgaria

    After Basil 2 won over Bulgaria he gave a,ny former Bulgarian leaders court titles and high commands in the army.
  • Period: Feb 16, 1054 to Feb 16, 1054

    Great schism

    During the middle ages there was a permanent split between eastern and western Christianity. Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics contacts remained distant in the Middle Ages and after
  • Period: Feb 1, 1095 to Feb 1, 1095

    Empore Alexios contacts pope Urban ll for military help in Middle East

    Alexios asked Pope Urban ll for Knights to help him fight e Muslim Turks. After Pope Urban ll encouraged bishops and nobles to help he eventually called for war the free The Holy Land.
  • Period: Feb 1, 1202 to Feb 1, 1204

    Fourth crusade

    On their way to Jerusalem they change courses to take Alexis Angelos father out of rule in Constantinople. The crusaders were no longer able to be payed and then when Alexios was murdered and the crusaders and Venetians decided to outright the conquest of Constantinople.
  • Period: Feb 16, 1453 to May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks

    Constantinople was the major capital in Present day Istanbul. The war took place in the harbor, ships shot cannons at the defensive wall protecting the city. The wall was destroyed May 29th, 1453 AD.