byzantine timeline

  • Period: 330 to

    emporor constantine

    emporor constantine was creditec with converting rome to christianty. was also the first emporor to allow christianity.
  • Period: 527 to

    justinian becomes emperor of the byzantines

    justinian created a set of laws called the justinian code. he had a goal to reuniting the romen empire.
  • Period: 533 to 554

    general belisarius military campain

    belisarius was know for winning many battles as justinians bodygaurd. also sqoushed the nike revolt.
  • Period: 537 to

    hagia sophia completed

    hagia sophia means holy wisdom. it is a domed moument originally built as a catherdral in the 6th century.
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 700

    islamic concquests parts of the byzantine territory

    the first know intoduction of islamic to europe is from an islamic prisoner. these battles of the muslims vs the byzantines where long battles.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1025 to

    emperor basil II military conquests

    emperor basil was know as bulgar slayer. because of his military conquests. he was emperor from 976-1025. during his reign the roman and the eastern church widened.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1054 to

    great schism

    the great schism was when the roman church divided into two the roman church and the eastern church in 1054.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1095 to

    emperor alexios and pope urban II

    emperor alexios asked urban for a request for help with the turks and urban answered with to preach the first crusade. emperor alexios during his reign that the Komnenos family came to full power.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1204 to

    Fourth crusade

    an army of 20,000 men and a fleet of about 200 ships lead by Venetian sailors and warriors, broke in and began to loot the greatest metropolis in the Christian world.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1453 to

    The end of the Byzantine empire

    Turks from the Ottoman Empire captured the city of Constantinople bringing an official end to the Byzantine Empire. The Turks used cannons to weaken the Byzantine defenses .
  • Period: to

    islamic conquests parts of the byzantine territory

    the fight for these territorys ended up being long battles.
    one of the earliest intoductions of islam to europope was from an islamic prisoner.