Byzantine Timeline

By Klegg
  • 324

    Emperor Constantine I founded The Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I founded The Byzantine Capital
    Emperor Constantine understood the strategic importance of the city of Byzantium becasue it was valuable to both Greeks and Romans due to its position on the Strait of Bosporus. Built the capital after he became sole emperor of all the territory.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt

    Nika Revolt
    The Nika revolts, or Nika riots, spanned the course of a week, and was the most violent riot in the history of Constantinople. Nearly half the city was burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people were killed.
  • Period: 533 to 534

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius was the leading military figure in the Byzantine Empire. He led imperial armies against Persia, North Africa, and Italy.
  • 537

    Completion of Hagia Sofia

    Completion of Hagia Sofia
    Instructed under the orders of Byzantine Emeror Justinian I it was the thrid church of the holy wisdom to be built on that site. The church contained a large collection of holy relics and was the focal point of the Eastern Orthodox for almost a thousand years.
  • Period: Feb 17, 622 to Feb 17, 750

    Early Islamic Military campaigns into Byzantine Territory

    There were multiple leaders including; Muhammad, Rashidun, and Umayyad. The conquests these people led resulted in the collapse of the Sassanid Empire and territorial loss for the Byzantine Empire including Mesopotamia, Persia, North Africa, etc.
  • Period: Feb 17, 986 to Feb 17, 1018

    Emeror Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria

    In 986 30,000 men were led into Bulgaria and besiege sredets. In 1000 the Emperor was able to focus on a war of total conquest against Bulgaria. In 1014 The emperor was ready to launch a campaign aimed to end Bulgarian resistance.
  • Feb 17, 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    Commonly known as the East-West Schism it refers to the break of communication between what are now the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. In Constantinople all Latin Churches were closed so southern Italy forced churches to close or conform to Latin practice.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II for Military help in Middle East

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II for Military help in Middle East
    Emperoe Alexios I contacted Pope Urban II as part of the First Crusade. It was mainly a battle over the territory of Jerusalem and freeing Christans from muslim rule.
  • Apr 12, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    20,000 men and a fleet of 200 ventian ship attacked constantinople. City was captured and the empire split off into small successor states. In it's place the crusader-led latin empire was founded.
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Fall Of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    Fall Of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    The fight lasted 53 days. The capture of Constantinoploe was the offical end of the Byzantines. The conquest of Constantinople allowed Ottoman to advance into Europe without watching his back.