Byzantine Empire - D. Rauber

  • 525

    theodora married justian

    theodora married justian
  • 527

    Justinian became the emperor of the Eastern Empire

    Justinian became the emperor of the Eastern Empire
  • 527

    Justinan conquered all of theterritory that was once in Rome

    Justinan conquered all of theterritory that was once in Rome
  • 532

    nik riots (rebellion) took place

    nik riots (rebellion) took place
  • 533

    Justinian sent Belisarius to recover North America from the Vandals

    Justinian sent Belisarius to recover North America from the Vandals
  • 533

    justians coded was established

    justians coded was established
  • 537

    hagia sophia was built

    hagia sophia was built
  • 538

    Belisarius took Rome from the Ostrogoths

    Belisarius took Rome from the Ostrogoths
  • 565

    Justinian conqured all territories that was once rome

    Justinian conqured all territories that was once rome
  • Feb 22, 601

    empress theodora resorted icons to the eastern churches

    empress theodora resorted icons to the eastern churches
  • Feb 22, 717

    emperor leo lll banned the use of icons

    emperor leo lll banned the use of icons
  • Feb 22, 988

    vladimir of kiev converted to byzantine christianity

    vladimir of kiev converted to byzantine christianity
  • Feb 22, 1054

    great schism- christianity was divided (roman catholic and eastern orthodox)

    great schism- christianity was divided (roman catholic and eastern orthodox)
  • Feb 22, 1055

    seljuk turks attacked and captured baghdad from the persians

    seljuk turks attacked and captured baghdad from the persians
  • Feb 22, 1071

    seljuk turks crushed the byzantines at the battle of manzikert

    seljuk turks crushed the byzantines at the battle of manzikert
  • Feb 22, 1095

    pop urban ll launched the first crusadeagainst the turks (muslims)

    pop urban ll launched the first crusadeagainst the turks (muslims)
  • Feb 22, 1099

    christian crusaders capturedjerusalem and masacared jews and muslims

    christian crusaders capturedjerusalem and masacared jews and muslims
  • Feb 22, 1240

    batu khan (genghis khan's grandson) led the mongol defeat of keive

    batu khan (genghis khan's grandson) led the mongol defeat of keive
  • Feb 22, 1299

    ottoman empire began- osman started building a small state in antolia (turkey)

    ottoman empire began- osman started building a small state in antolia (turkey)
  • Feb 22, 1453

    constantinople fell to the ottoman turks

    constantinople fell to the ottoman turks
  • Feb 22, 1500

    czar ivan lll broke russia (formerly keiv) from mongol control

    czar ivan lll broke russia (formerly keiv) from mongol control