
Boston vs. Disney

  • Orchestra Spring Break Trip mentioned in Class

    Orchestra Spring Break Trip mentioned in Class
  • Head of the Charles

    Head of the Charles
    The Varsity girls 8 has a chance at the Head of the Charles, our 5k time of 18:02 has been submitted to the competition!
  • Mom knows

    Mom knows
    Mom just told me today that I need to chose between Boston and Disney because we don't have money for both. I know that I have to chose but it is going to be so hard especially because I don't even know if our Varsity 8 will get chosen to race. The scariest thing about this decision is that it will affect other people than myself. As the Unit 1 in the Health book states when an individual makes a decision they, " do not escape responsibilities."
  • First Deposit Due for the Disney Trip

    First Deposit Due for the Disney Trip
    Mr. Riegal reminds our orchestra class that the first deposit for the Disney trip is due in a week
  • First Meeting of the Boston Trip

    First Meeting of the Boston Trip
    Our coaches gather us to go over the details of how we are going to pay to go in late October, flight plans and what the regatta schedule will make our Girls varsity do
  • I'm at a stop

    I'm at a stop
    I have to make a decision between the Disney Trip and the trip to Head of the Charles. If I chose the Disney trip I'll have a blast and get to play real Disney movie score music! Sounds awesome. If I go to Head of the Charles I'll also have an awesome time but the trip is half as long as the Disney trip and half of that time will be take up by racing. If I don't go to the Disney trip, there are no consequences except missing out on fun. If I don't go to Boston I let down the girls on my team.
  • Time is not on my side but I need to make a decision

    Time is not on my side but I need to make a decision
    I know that the price is twice as expensive if I go to Disney, but if we don't make it to the Head of the Charles then I will have missed out on both opportunities. It looks like I'm going to have to just use as the Unit 1 of the Health book states my "own intuition and views".
  • I have made a decision

    I have made a decision
    I'm going to Boston! I can't let down my teammates. Also I think that Boston could potentially be cheaper if it is just me and my mom.
  • What if I took too long...

    What if I took too long...
    The Girls Varsity 8 of the Hilliard Crew is going to Boston!! If I had taken just a little bit longer to make my decision or the wrong decision my mom would have put the money to the wrong spot. The money for Boston would have been in the hands of my orchestra teacher. I'm glad I didn't make this a collaborative decision with my family because as the Health book Unit 1 states "group decision making can be very time consuming" That may have just put me over my time limit of the Disney deposit.