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    Impressment of sailors

    This was when the British Navy would board American ships and kidnapped sailors under the pretense that they were deserters of the British Navy. British seaman also went into bars and picked out individual sailors that were drunk and carried them away.
  • Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington's Proclamation declared that the U.S. would stay neutral in the war between Britain and France. It also promised legal action on those who decided to make an effort to help the wars overseas.
  • Jay Treaty

    The Jay Treaty helped with avoiding a possible war with Britain. The treaty itself allowed for the British surrender of post in the northwest which had already been agreed upon, a commercial treaty which severely limited trade to the British West Indies but gave the U.S. "most favored nation" status. However Britain could still impress sailors and even seize ships and steal U.S. goods if they paid and French goods for free.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address told Americans that he was leaving office and that America was ready for a new president, he also warned of the abuse of political parties, the importance of neutrality, and that one should identify themselves with America not just their states as to be mindful that they are a union and not to divide themselves.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    This conflict is what sparked the fire for the war of 1812 in which the British HMS Leopard chased down, attacked, and boarded the USS Chesapeake. Many Americans were upset because those on the Chesapeake were not able to put up much of a fight and the British were relentless in boarding the ship.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    The Embargo was a terrible idea that hurt every single American with tremendous effects on the poor and little on the rich. The embargo was to nonviolently put up a fight against Britain and France by refusing trade with them. This increased unemployment, wrecked markets, and devastated the shipping industries.
  • Tecumseh's War

    Tecumseh's War was a war between the U.S. and the Shawnee in Indiana. It started because of the Treaty of Fort Wayne which gave Americans millions of acres of Native American territory.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    The Wat of 1812 was a relatively minor conflict but had great impact on the U.S. standings in the world. It overall ended with the British victory as the U.S. gained only the Great Lakes, but the British captured and burned the Capital.
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    War Hawks

    The War Hawks was a group of republican congressmen who heavily advocated for war against Britain and force the other European countries out out of America.
  • Tecumseh

    Tecumseh Aided British and Canadian militia in encircling Detroit causing and American surrender and the surrender of a 2,000 man army. He attacked many forts and settlements forcing many settlers back in fear.
  • Hartford Convention

    The Hartford Convention was a secret meeting of the New England federalist party that would produce a list of grievances about the War of 1812. However by the time they had finished their discussions the War was practically over.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent ended the war of 1812 and declared peace between Great Britain and the U.S. It also declared that all conquered territory was to be returned and planned to define the boundary between the U.S. and Canada.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans stopped the British from gaining control over critical ports and is considered the greatest victory of the U.S. on land in the War of 1812.