
Blood History

  • 130

    Arteries and viens

    Arteries and viens
    Claudius Galenus proves arteries have blood inside and they are seperate from veins. Galen finds that blood is formed in the liver
  • Period: 130 to

    History of Blood

  • Feb 20, 1200

    Pulmonary Circulation

    Pulmonary Circulation
    Ibn al-Nafis discovers and describes the flow of blood to and from the lungs
  • Feb 20, 1553

    Blood's Pathway

    Blood's Pathway
    Michael Serventussay blood goes from one side of the heart to the other through the lungs instead of through the wall between the ventricles
  • Vein valves

    Vein valves
    Fabricius is the first to have drawings of vein valves.
  • Circulating Blood

    Circulating Blood
    William Harvey explains that blood circulates the body and is pumped by the heart.
  • Red Blood cells

    Red Blood cells
    Jan Swammerdam is the first person to see and describe red blood cells.
  • Transfusion

    Jean-Baptiste Denis transfuses nine ounce of lamb's blood to a teenage boy suffering from a fever
  • Red Blood Cell Size

    Red Blood Cell Size
    Unaware of Swammrdam's work, Anton van Leeuwenhoek provides precise description of red blood cells and says their size is approximately 25,000 tmes smaller than a fine grain of sand.
  • Human to human blood transfusion

    Human to human blood transfusion
    A footnote of a medical journal credits Philip Syng Phyick with performing the first human to human blood transfusion.
  • Blood Tranfusion fails

    Blood Tranfusion fails
    James Blundell performs the fst recored human to human blood trnsfusion. The patient dies after showing signs of improvement
  • Three Main Blood Groups

    Three Main Blood Groups
    Karl Landsteinr publishes a paper about his dicovery of three main human blood groups- A,B, and C. C is later changed to O.
  • Fourth Blood Group

    Fourth Blood Group
    Alfred van Decastello and Adriano Sturli identify a fourth blood group- AB
  • Checking Blood Types

    Checking Blood Types
    Dr. Ludvig Hekton recommends checking donor and recipitates' for compatibility. 128 blood transfusions occur without transfusion reactions.
  • Sodium Citrate

    Sodium Citrate
    Almost simultaneously, Albert Hustin and Luis Agote discover that adding sodium citrate prevents blood from clotting.
  • Optimum Sodium Citrate

    Optimum Sodium Citrate
    Dr. Richard Lewisohn formulates optimum concetration o sodium citrate to be put in blood and once treated, it can be refrigeratted for a few days
  • Citrate Glucose

    Francis Peyton Rous an J.R. Turner develop a citrate glucoe solution that allows blood to be stored for a few weeks
  • Blood Depot

    Blood Depot
    Dr. Oswald Lewisohn stores type O blood with citrate glucose solution and is the first blood depot
  • Test Efficiency and collect blood

    Test Efficiency and collect blood
    Dr. Serge Yudin is the first to test the efficiency of human blood to a cadavar. Soviets are the first to collect and store blood for transfusions.
  • Modern and sterile system

    Dr. Charles Drew creates a modern and highly sterile system to process, test, and store plasma for shipment
  • Transfusion- transmitted hepatitis

    Transfusion- transmitted hepatitis
    Dr. Paul Beeson links jaundice to blood or plasma transfusions. Decriptions of transfuion-transmitted hepatitis.
  • Plastic bags

    Plastic bags
    Dr. Carl W. Walter develops plastic bag for blood collection
  • GRID

    The first case of GRID syndrome is recorded. Later renamed AIDS

    Dr. Robert Galo identifie the virus that causes AIDS, called HTLV III
  • Blood screen test

    Blood screen test
    Dozens of Americans are infected with AIDS from blood trnsfusions. The first blood screen test is developed.
  • Tests

    More tests are developed to screen donated blood for genetic material of viruses like HIV and HCV