
By b sean
  • My Birthday

    In Alsip Illinois, my dad: Jeff b and my mom:Donna M
  • 8th Grade

    Advanced Tech so when im older i can work with Technology
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    I hope that before 8th grade graduation i get, Atleast 2 A+'s, to get no lower than a C for any of my Final Grades, and to be in more than 2 school sports.
  • High School

    Eisenhower High School
  • High School Classes

    1st & 2nd Period:Reading & LA 3rd Period:Art 4th Period: Gym 5th Period: Lunch & Recesse 6th Period: Science 7th Period: Math 8th Period: Social Studies
  • Made High School Football Team

    I want to join, so when i go to college i could play then to
  • Grades

    to get only A's and B's Throughout High School
  • GPA

    B Average
  • GPA

    B average
  • Clubs

    Spanish, Math club, Sci-fi club
  • High School Graduation

    i could not make the Football team, or i could get injured
  • College

    I hope my best friends will be there with me. I think i'll feel as if my life is complete.
  • best and last B-Day party

    to have my best and last birthday party with my friends and i going out to play bowling, and afterwards going to a plain field to play other sports.
  • To Go Skiing

    To get ski's and go skiing with some of my friends and family.
  • Get A Car

    Get a car for my 22nd B-Day
  • To work at a haunted house

    To get a job as a clown to work and scare people at a haunted house
  • To Get A Docteret Degree

    To stay in school and learn to be a doctor and get a degree to be one.
  • Death

    I hope to live until i am 100