Biotechnology Through the Ages- by Jia and Rose

  • 100

    Natural Insecticide created (100 CE)

    Chinese discover and create the use of chrysanthremum to invent insecticide. This occured in 100 CE.
  • 500

    Antibiotic created (500 BCE)

    Egyptians invent the first antibiotic. They used moldy bean curds as basic antibiotics in 500 BCE.
  • Sep 11, 1200

    Preserving Foods (12,000 BC)

    Preserving Foods (12,000 BC)
    Foods were preserved as early as in 12,000 BC by leaving them in the sun to dry out. This made the food (especially meats) easier to keep as they would not rot and could last a long time.
  • Sep 10, 1500

    Genetically Modifying Corn

    Corn was modified by strategically breeding it with the best of the corn. Corn changed from having small kernels to being full of juicy and higher yielding crops.
  • Breeding of Mules in America

    Mules were first bred in America in the 1700's. They are created by breeding a horse and a donkey todether, which combines the best parts of both breeds, the intelligence of a horse and the sturdiness of a donkey.
  • Vaccines created

    Vaccines created
    Edward Jenner creates the first vaccine against smallpox. He innoculates a kid with his new invention, and it turns out to be a success.
  • Irrigation used (1800 BCE)

    In 1800 BCE, the Egyptians started using irrigation to water their plants. Because the Nile River would flood often, the water from it would be filled with rich sediment. This sediment also had many nutrients that provided the plants with minerals that are necessary for their growth. Their tactical usage of the Nile's water was an example of biotechnology, for this greatly improved upon the lives of the Egyptians and the microorganisms that were in the Nile River water helped the plants grow.
  • Bread Cooked With Yeast (4000 BCE)

    Egyptians use yeast to make their bread rise. They understood that yeast contains microorganisms that can improve their lives.
  • Crop Selectivity (4000 BCE)

    Crop Selectivity (4000 BCE)
    Early farmers started saving the seeds from the crops that produced the best yields. With these seeds, they could improve upon their crops by only using seeds that they knew would have a good result.
  • Domestication of Cattle (4000 BCE)

    Cattle were implemented to pull ploughs and wagons for the farmers.This greatly improved upon the lives of the farmers because their fields could be prepared for planting in a relatively short amount of time.They did such a good job of pulling ploughs that the yield of the crops of wheat or rice was greatly increased. Therefore, more food could be produced and wagons made the distribution of the food available to far away land. Though it may seem simple, this invention was very influential.
  • First Farming Communities (5000 BCE)

    The first farming communities were formed in 5000 BCE. The Fertile Crescent was an ideal place for crops to be domesticated and cultivated because of the rich soil and nutrients.
  • Cheese first invented (5,500 BCE)

    Cheese first invented (5,500 BCE)
    The first form of cheese making is found in Poland. Becuase of the lack of refrigeradors and other devices to preserve food, the cheese was hard and briny.
  • Chicken Domesticated (6000 BC)

    The Chinese were the first to domesticate chicken. This made their food sources easier to capture and they did not have to go out to hunt their food anymoer.
  • Fermentation discovered (7000 BCE)

    Chinese discover the fermentation process by making beer. This discovery lead to the discovery of other products that are created through fermentation.
  • Domestication of Crops (9000 BCE)

    Cereal crops such as wheat were first domesticated 9000 BCE. This important discovery made the lives of the farmers much better because they could have food all year long and no longer had to forage.