
  • in 3000 b.c. the summerians built the world's first known city in Mesopotamia

    in 3000 b.c. the summerians built the world's first known citty in Mesopotamia
  • Akkadians conquered the Summerian cities n 2350 B.C.

  • muhammad lived around mecca from 570 to 632

  • around 550 b.c. and empire developed in persia where iran is now

  • king darius built Persepolis and 500 b.c., which was the capitol of his empire

  • in the 1200s the mongols came from central asia to conquer afghanistan, iraq, and iran

  • The rulers called safavids came to power in 1500

  • safavid dynasty ended in the mid 1700s after the line of hereditary leaders ended

  • expanding british and russian empires tried to gain controll of iran and afghanistan in the 1800s

  • in 1932 Iraq and Saudia Arabia became independant countries