Free palestine

Arab-Isreali conflict

  • Balfour Declaration

    The declaration said that there would be a homeland for the Jewish people created in Palestine.
  • War for Israeli independence

    The UN decides to partition Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish state. This leads to the first Arab-Israeli war in early 1948. When the British withdraw Jewish forces hold their ground and declare Israel statehood on May 14 1948.
  • Suez canal crisis end

  • Suez Canal crisis begins

    Egypt nationalized the canal and closed it off to Israel, this led to French, British and Israeli troops to invade Egypt.
  • The Six-Day War

    Many Arabian troops were along Israel's border. Israel responded by launching simaltaenous attacks on Egypt and Syria and Jordan even joined the fray but they were no match to Israel's forces. Israel had more than doubled in size when the UN called for the cease fire six days later.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Hoping to win back territory that was lost during the third Arab-Israeli war back in '67, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched an attack on Yom Kippur, which is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. There was a cease fire October 25.