Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Period: to

    Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • The Balfour Declaration

    The British government makes the Balfour Declaration. It states that Palestine will become the "national home for Jewish people."
  • Jordan Formed

    Britain gives the British-mandated Palestine east of the Jordan River to Abdullah. Its now known as Jordan. This is when the first violent outbreak occurred. West of the Jordan river became the Palestine mandate.
  • Second Violent Outbreak

    The second violent outbreak erupts in Jerusalem. Sixty seven were killed. Jordan gains control over the West Bank. Israel controls in the west, Jordan in the east.
  • Limit on Jewish Immigration

    British government limits Jewish migration to 10,000 per year, except in emergencies.
  • UN takes control of Palestine

    Britain gave up its control of the country and handed over the situation to the United Nations. The United Nations General Assembly recommended that Palestine be partitioned into two separate states. One for the Jews and one for the Palestinians. Fighting occurred after because the Palestinians were opposed.
  • Israel is Formed

    Zionist leaders announced the state of Israel. Fighting breaks out because the original Palestinians are opposed to this.
  • Resolution 194

    The resolution states that Palestinian refugees who want to return to their homes are allowed to. The ones that dont will be compensated by Israel.
  • War of Independence

    Jordan takes west bank and eastern Jerusalem. Egypt takes over Gaza. 750,000 Palestinian people fled.
  • Jewish Refugees go to Israel

    Between 1949-1960 a million refugees from countries surrounding Palestine and 250,000 holocaust survivors settle in Israel.
  • PLO formed

    Palestine Liberation Organization formed and made up the structure of the Palestine National Counsil. They also apporved laws and
  • Resolution 242

    The UN passes this resolution that withdrawals the Israeli forces.
  • Six Day War

    Israel attacks Egypt and gets control of the territory they formerly controlled. They gain control of the Peninsula and Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem. They triple in size. Iraq sends forces to support the war.
  • War on PLO

    Hussein declares war on the PLO and imposes martial law. PLO agreed to move its headquarters from Jordan to Lebanon.
  • Olympic Assasination

    Palestinian gunmen kill 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
  • October War

    Egypt retook the Suez Canal. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights
  • Resolution 338

    UN called for an immediate cease-fire
  • “Land Day"

    Palestinians protest the confiscation of their land.
  • Camp David accords

    President of Egypt, Prime Minister of Israel, and President Carter sign the Camp David accords. Israel agreed to give back the Sinai
    Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace.
  • Peace Treaty

    Egypt and Israel signed a treaty
  • Egypt kicked out of Arab League

    Egypt is expelled from the Arab League as a reaction to the peace agreement with Israel.
  • Destroys Reactor

    Israel destroys Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor during raid
  • Egyptian Assasinated

    Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian President, was assassinated during a victory parade.
  • Lebanon Invasion

    Israel invades Lebanon to fight the PLO
  • Oslo Accords

    Called for the mutual recognition between the PLO and the state of Israel.
  • Wye River Memorandum

    Israeli Prime Minister signs the Memorandum which calls for further withdrawals from the West Bank
  • Israeli Attack

    Israeli war planes fire missiles and level the headquarters of the Palestinian police.
  • Israel Assasinations

    Israel assassinated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. A month later his successor was killed.
  • Ceasefire

    Sharon and Abbas announced a ceasefire. Israel evacuated 15,000 Jewish settlers from Gaza after 38 years of being there. Palestinian rocket salvoes from Gaza followed, prompting Israeli air strikes.
  • Month-Long War

    Israel fought Hizbollah in a month-long war invading Gaza that caused 1,100 Lebanese deaths and 156 Israeli deaths.
  • Gaza Week long campaign

    Israel launches week-long military campaign against Gaza-based armed groups because of months of escalating rocket attacks on Israeli towns.