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Conflict In Israel

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    Six-Day War

    Israel launched several air strikes on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Then their troops moved in and rapidly defeated the Arab forces. During this six day war, Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
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    Yom Kippur War

    Determined to win their territory back, Egypt and Syria started the Yom Kippur war. This war started as a surprise attack on Israel. After weeks of fighting the countries agreed to a cease-fire.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Jimmy Carter invited Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin to Camp David. It was there in 1978 where they reacehed an agreement known as the Camp David Accords. Egypt recognized Israel, and Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
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    The First Intifada

    Palestinian youth battled Israeli troops. Israel responded with strong military and police resistance.
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    Second Intifada

    Palestinian youths began another intifada, but were joined by Palestinian security forces with guns this time. Tensions grew when Hamas gained control of the Palestinian Parliment.